Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools — Interview with the authors

by Tom Johnson on Apr 29, 2007
categories: podcasts

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In this podcast, I talk with Katherine (Kit) Brown, Brenda Huettner, and Char James-Tanny about their latest book, Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools.

Some of the topics from the podcast include the following:

  • Challenges with virtual teams
  • How to hold meetings virtually
  • Selecting tools for virtual interactions
  • Managing employees on a remote team
  • Social elements of virtual teams
  • Building camaraderie on virtual teams
  • Virtual teams and future trends
  • The economics of working virtually
  • Productivity and the virtual team

Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools; Interview with the authorsYou can order their book here.

Their wiki site is at

You can e-mail the authors by sending an e-mail to

Music on the podcast is from Podshow.

About the Authors

From their wikiwackyworld site:

M. Katherine (Kit) Brown is an award-winning writer with a background in the life sciences and 15 years of experience in the technical communication field. She is currently the Principal for Comgenesis, LLC, which provides consulting services and training to clients on how to produce internationalized documentation, as well as more traditional technical writing and editing services. Kit is an Associate Fellow in STC and holds a Master of Science degree in Technical Communication and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, both from Colorado State University.

Brenda Huettner is owner of P-N Designs, Inc., a communication consulting company. She writes articles and teaches workshops on management, usability, and technical writing. Brenda is a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication and belongs to the Southern Arizona Chapter STC and the Management, Independent Consulting and Contracting, Usability, and AccessAbility SIGs.

Char James-Tanny is president of JTF Associates, Inc., and has more than twenty-five years of experience as a technical writer. She is well known in the Help community for her knowledge of online Help tools and concepts, and she speaks frequently at conferences around the world on Help topics, cross-browser issues, and tool-specific functionality. Char created the original Help Authoring Tool (HAT) Comparison Matrix, now available as an interactive database at Char is an AuthorIT-certified consultant, a senior member of the Boston Chapter STC, and a 2007 Microsoft Help MVP. She is also the secretary of the Society for Technical Communication. Visit her Web site at Her e-mail is

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

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