I'd Rather Be Writing podcasts

You can listen to the I’d Rather Be Writing podcast on most podcast platforms. This category page lists all podcasts that I’ve recorded and included in my podcast feed. I’ve been recording and sharing podcasts for more than a decade, with varying formats. For example, I started out mostly interviewing people, then transitioned to recording presentations, experimented with some individual monologue podcasts, explored discussion podcasts with co-hosts, and more. I like experimenting with different approaches.

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All podcast episodes

  1. Rethinking traditional approaches to release notes -- recording of WTD Australia presentation

  2. [Podcast] GenAI and Document360: Conversation with Saravana Kumar

  3. Podcast: Task decomposition and complex tree diagrams

  4. Podcast: Using long-token contexts to quality check an entire API doc set

  5. Podcast: Using file diffs for better release notes in reference docs

  6. Podcast: Populating documentation templates using AI

  7. Podcast: Gathering source material for context input

  8. Podcast: Creating high-fidelity, thematically organized notes from engineering meetings using AI

  9. [Podcast] Uncovering and communicating the value of your tech comm teams' work, with Keren Brown

  10. [Podcast] Breaking ground: New API documentation course at UW, with Bob Watson

  11. Podcast: Notes and themes from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig

  12. Webinar recording: Experiments and use cases for AI from a tech writer’s perspective

  13. 30+ ways I’m using AI in everyday writing life as a technical writer, blogger, and curious human

  14. Podcast: The evolution of podcasting, with Ed Marsh

  15. Podcast: Tech writing and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, with Dan Grabski

  16. Doing research with AI tools -- avoiding the trap of fabricated URLs

  17. Notes for Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality

  18. My experience trying to write original, full-length human-sounding articles using Claude AI

  19. [Podcast] AI and APIs: What works, what doesn't

  20. Presentation recording: Specialization myopia syndrome and the content journey

  21. Podcast: All about Redocly, with founder Adam Altman

  22. Podcast about Archbee -- a new documentation tool with a block-based editor, API publishing capability, content re-use, and more

  23. Keynote presentation to STC India 2022

  24. [Podcast] Become a technical writer: conversation with Bobby Kennedy about the technical writing courses he offers

  25. MEGAComm recording: How to increase awareness of tech comm inside corporate walls

  26. Presentation recording -- 'Best practices in API docs: Product overviews and getting started tutorials'

  27. tcworld China 2021 keynote: 'Tech comm and marketing: How to make your tech comm group more visible to those within your company'

  28. Recording of 'Product overviews vs. getting started tutorials: striking a balance between read-first and try-first user behaviors'

  29. Videocast: Micro content and Flare -- Conversation with Kate Schneider

  30. The story behind Document360 -- podcast with founder Saravana Kumar

  31. Playing a product design role as a content designer -- podcast with Jonathon Colman

  32. A tip for doc reviews -- bring a list of questions

  33. Developer portal strategies for complex landscapes -- conversation with Kristof van Tomme

  34. WTD Australia event recording -- 'Remote discussion: Techcomm in the times of pandemic'

  35. Are technical writers increasingly playing non-technical roles? Some thoughts on the evolution of technical writing roles

  36. Podcast: Users as producers of knowledge -- conversation with Nupoor Ranade about how tech writer roles are changing

  37. Introduction to API documentation - Recording from Los Angeles API documentation workshop

  38. Podcast: How Paligo is filling a niche in the CCMS market for complex documentation, with Anders Svensson

  39. Podcast with Andrew Davis: Hiring API doc writers -- an inside look at fixing broken processes

  40. From API docs to developer portals

  41. Podcast: API Design and Usability with Arnaud Lauret (API Handyman)

  42. Podcast: Dealing with Project Overload -- Strategies to Manage Overflowing Documentation Tasks

  43. Podcast: 10 myths about API documentation

  44. Crash course in API documentation -- a one-hour video

  45. Corporate exodus narratives: A close look at the tension between the corporation and academia

  46. How to become a 10X technical writer in the workplace

  47. How to motivate users to provide feedback: Show that you're listening to their input

  48. Site analytics from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 -- are more engineers writing docs now?

  49. Recording for Menlo Park API documentation workshop now available -- and some thoughts on using cardioid versus omnidirectional microphones for recording

  50. New post in Simplifying Complexity series -- Principle 11: Be both a generalist and specialist at the same time

  51. How to avoid being a secretary for engineers

  52. Upcoming full-day API documentation workshop in Menlo Park

  53. Preferring technical acuity over specialized knowledge

  54. If writing is no longer a marketable skill, what is?

  55. My conflicted thoughts about the decentralized web (while taking the Census of Technical Communicators survey)

  56. Articulating stories that influence product adoption (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

  57. The relationship between academics and practitioners -- Podcast with Kirk St. Amant

  58. Reducing the complexity of technical language (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

  59. Evaluating the user experience of documentation -- Podcast with Bob Watson

  60. Recording of API documentation workshop in Denver

  61. Recording of STC San Francisco presentation: Beyond mere endpoint reference — the overlooked content in API documentation

  62. Recording of OpenAPI and Swagger presentation (for STC and WTD San Diego)

  63. Recording of WTD South Bay presentation: Publishing tools for API documentation

  64. How to become a voracious reader

  65. How do you communicate user progress in a course without a Learning Management System (LMS)?

  66. Intro to API Documentation -- recording of presentation to STC Silicon Valley chapter on 11/20/2017

  67. SwaggerHub: A collaborative platform for working on OpenAPI/Swagger specification files, and more

  68. Has plain language deepened or ruined our delight in language?

  69. Discoveries and realizations while walking down the Docs-as-Code path

  70. Why Stack Overflow's Documentation effort failed -- a few thoughts from a technical writer's perspective

  71. Tech docs and Agile: Alternatives to integrating into engineering Scrums (Part 2)

  72. Tech docs and Agile: Problems with integrating tech writers into engineering Scrums (Part 1)

  73. Why simple language isn't so simple: the struggle to create plain language in documentation

  74. When the pain of ignorance exceeds the pain of learning

  75. Transparency in documentation: dealing with limits about what you can and cannot say

  76. Recording of my WTD Portland 2017 presentation on Building navigation for your doc site -- 5 best practices

  77. Recording of User-Centered Design Principles for Organizing Documentation

  78. Recording: Modern Technical Writing, by Andrew Etter (STC Silicon Valley chapter)

  79. Recording: Writing tech docs like a hacker with Jekyll

  80. Recording of Open Authoring -- Collaboration Across Disciplines presentation, by Ralph Squillace

  81. Saving Your Sanity Through Better Client Relations -- with Alisa Bonsignore

  82. How can technical writers thrive in agile environments? Event recording and details

  83. Recording of Let's Tell a Story -- Scenario-Based Documentation, by Matt Ness (STC Silicon Valley Presentation)

  84. Balancing the never-ending list of documentation to write with your natural interests and passions

  85. Presentation recording: Hunting for API developer documentation jobs in the San Francisco Bay area, by Andrew Davis

  86. The complexities of translation and the need for dynamic variables in the build process

  87. Will the docs-as-code approach scale? Responding to comments on my Review of Modern Technical Writing

  88. The Story of Paligo: A new browser-based CCMS with all the features you'd ever want

  89. Review of Andrew Etter's ebook on Modern Technical Writing

  90. Applying Tim Ferriss' 4-hour work week rules to tech comm projects

  91. Thoughts on Transforming Documentation Processes presentation at WTD: Evaluating the trend to treat documentation as code

  92. Context switching and efficiency -- Kanban to the rescue?

  93. Why Programming Sucks and the fallacy of documentation in the context of code chaos

  94. Thoughts on Documentation Avoidance for Programmers

  95. Presentation recording: Move Fast And ... Document Things? Lessons learned in building documentation culture at a startup, by Ruthie Bendor

  96. Recording of 'Two great teams that work great together: Bridging the gap between documentation and support,' by Neal Kaplan at Write the Docs

  97. Recording of WTD presentation on Video Documentation, by Alicia Avrach

  98. Recording of STC-SV presentation on the Shape of a Modern Technical Communication Organization, by Sanborn Hodgkins

  99. Spec-driven Development with RAML -- presentation by Michael Stowe to STC Silicon Valley chapter

  100. Recording of Creating Documentation for Startups: Panel Discussion -- Write the Docs San Francisco

  101. Recording of Version Control, Writers, and Worfklows by Richard Mateosian

  102. Podcast: Spec-driven Development of REST APIs, with a focus on RAML -- interview with Michael Stowe

  103. Udemy podcast (with me) and infographic on technical writing

  104. Podcast: The divide between academics and practitioners -- Interview with Lisa Meloncon

  105. Podcast: How do design, length, and relevance affect how people use API reference docs -- interview with Bob Watson

  106. The key to writing good documentation: Testing your instructions

  107. Introduction to technical writing -- slides and audio recording

  108. API Documentation presentation to East Bay STC chapter -- slides and recording

  109. Recording and slides from "Jekyll vs. DITA: Bridging the Gap Between Tech Comm and the Web" presentation

  110. Recording of API documentation workshop (REST and Javadoc) at tcworld India 2015

  111. Recording of Innovation in Technical Communication keynote at tcworld India 2015

  112. Podcast: The upcoming tcworld India conference on March 12-13, with Akash Dubey

  113. Best practices for API documentation -- podcast with Andrya Feinberg

  114. Survival strategies for API documentation -- slides and recording

  115. API workshop video + audio + slides + workshop files from TC Camp

  116. Moving from passive to reactive documentation -- recording of presentation by Greg Koberger, ReadMe.com founder

  117. Podcast: Unifying the API doc publishing toolchain, with Mark Baker

  118. Podcast: Automating REST API documentation, with Peter Gruenbaum

  119. Learning how developers think, and other API doc insights: Podcast with Joe Malin

  120. Getting a job in API documentation: Podcast with Andrew Davis

  121. The Author Experience -- Interview with Rick Yagodich

  122. Slides and recording for "Perfecting the audio narration in instructional video" at Info Dev World

  123. API Doc presentation slides and recording (San Francisco STC chapter)

  124. Information Development World and the Customer Experience -- A Podcast with Scott Abel and Val Swisher

  125. Introduction to API documentation: Interview with Scot Marvin

  126. Lessons learned as a novice API technical writer -- Interview with Mary Linderman (podcast)

  127. Creating code samples for API/SDK documentation (webinar recording, slides, and audio)

  128. Recording of my STC Sacramento presentation -- Why users can't find answers in help material

  129. Videos and reflections from the 2014 Intelligent Content Conference

  130. Tobi Crabtree on Virtual Agents (Intelligent Content 2014)

  131. Val Swisher on Translation Without Borders at Intelligent Content 2014

  132. Noz Urbina on The Biological Imperative for Intelligent Content (Intelligent Content 2014)

  133. Mark Baker on Every Page Is Page One (Intelligent Content 2014)

  134. Rahel Bailie on the Language of Content Strategy (Intelligent Content 2014)

  135. Don Day on Connecting Intelligent Content with Micropublishing (Intelligent Content 2014)

  136. Theresa Putkey on Diagnosing and Solving Content Problems (Intelligent Content 2014)

  137. Kyle Wiens on gamification and iFixit / Dozuki at Intelligent Content 2014

  138. Sarah O'Keefe on The Many Facets of Content Strategy (Intelligent Content 2014)

  139. Marcia Riefer Johnston on Writing (Intelligent Content 2014)

  140. Tom Johnson on Blogging (Intelligent Content 2014)

  141. Recording of STC Berkeley presentation on why users can't find answers in help

  142. Recording and slides for "Why users can't find answers in help" presentation to STC Silicon Valley

  143. Recording of "Video Tutorials for User Assistance" (UA Europe Presentation)

  144. Recording of "Making Content More Findable When Users Browse and Search" (UA Europe Presentation)

  145. Podcast: Include It All, Filter It Afterwards -- Interview with Mark Baker

  146. Webinar Recording: Designing Quick Reference Guides

  147. Webinar Recording -- Organizing Help Content: Breaking Out of Topic-Based Hierarchies

  148. Podcast: Organizing Help Content: Breaking Out of Topic-based Hierarchies

  149. Podcast: Content Strategy and Agility, with Noz Urbina

  150. Podcast: A Practical Guide to Information Architecture, with Donna Spencer

  151. Podcast -- Visual Composing: Document Design for Print and Digital Media, with Jo Mackiewicz

  152. Podcast with Alan Houser -- Candidate for STC Vice President

  153. Podcast with Victoria Koster-Lenhardt -- Candidate for STC Vice President

  154. Podcast: Educational Programs and Workplace Practices

  155. Why Help Content Fails and #contentstrategy

  156. Technical Writing Is More Than "Click This, Select That" [Podcast]

  157. Podcast: Finding and Creating Relevant Content -- Strategies for Social Media

  158. Podcast: Developing a Personal Voice in Audio (Intermountain-STC event)

  159. More Students Questions about Technical Writing

  160. Answers About the Field of Technical Writing for Students

  161. Podcast: From Overlooked to Center Stage (Overlooked)

  162. Podcast: “Anyone Can Write”: Changing Roles for Technical Communicators

  163. Podcast: Ten Voiceover Techniques (PodcampSLC)

  164. Podcast: What's New in Flare 6 — Interview with Mike Hamilton

  165. Podcast: Documentation in the Cloud

  166. Podcast: Riding the Tide of Technical Communications Consulting

  167. Podcast on getting a job in technical writing (TW Job)

  168. Podcast: The Myth of Single Sourcing

  169. Podcast about the Podcast Poll

  170. Podcast on the seven deadly sins of blogging

  171. Podcast from BYU Idaho Professional Writing Panel

  172. Choosing Between Academic and Corporate Life: Did I Make the Wrong Choice?

  173. My STC Summit Blogging Presentation Is Free

  174. Information Overload -- Conversation with Ricardo Amigo

  175. Podcast with Anne Gentle about her Conversation and Community book

  176. Carcast: Friday Thoughts on Reading, Publish2, and Writer River

  177. Podcast on Content Strategy: Interview with Rahel Bailie

  178. Forms that Work – Interview with Caroline Jarrett (podcast)

  179. Blogging, Podcasting, and Screencasting: Eight Characteristics to Attract Devoted Followers [Part 2]

  180. Blogging, Podcasting, and Screencasting: Eight Characteristics to Attract Devoted Followers [Part I]

  181. Anne Gentle on her Forthcoming Book, Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation

  182. STC Toronto's New Five-and-Five Chapter Model

  183. Richard Hamilton's XML Press Imprint

  184. Converting Readers from Casual Subscribers to Devoted Followers

  185. Madcap's Flare-DITA Solution (podcast)

  186. The State of Structured Authoring in Technical Communication (podcast)

  187. John Hedtke on Disaster Preparedness and Book Publishing

  188. GUI Magnets -- Prototyping User Interfaces with Simple Magnets

  189. James Bond: The History of the Illustrated 007 (Podcast with Alan Porter)

  190. Ginny Redish -- Letting Go of the Words (Podcast Interview at STC Summit)

  191. Introduction to Technical Writing (podcast)

  192. Managing Writers: Interview with Richard Hamilton (podcast)

  193. Jane's Presentation, Twitter for Business (podcast)

  194. Podcast -- Blogging for Technical Communicators Webinar (Part 2)

  195. Podcast -- Blogging for Technical Communicators Webinar (Part 1)

  196. Documentation Review Techniques (videocast)

  197. Podcast: Make Your Help Indispensable, Safeguard Your Job

  198. Screencasting -- Workflow and Presentation, by Collin Turner (Podcast)

  199. A Technical Writer with Extra Privileges? Responding to a Question about Roles (Videocast)

  200. Top Technical Communication News for January 2009

  201. Podcast: Help Authoring with Doc-To-Help 2009, Interview with Nicky Bleiel

  202. Podcast: Technical Writing in Agile Environments -- Interview with Alyssa Fox

  203. Podcast: What Is the Technical Writer's Role in Interface Design? Interview with Bogo Vatovec

  204. Podcast: Debunking the Boredom Myth of Technical Writing

  205. Podcast: Personalities of Technical Communicators -- Interview with Deborah (Shapiro) Hemstreet

  206. Podcast: Repurposing Content for Multichannel Publishing (Single Sourcing)

  207. Podcast: Flare 4 -- Ten New Features, Interview with Sharon Burton

  208. Podcast: What's New in the Field of Technical Communication?

  209. Podcast: Using Video in Training and Documentation, Interview with Todd O'Neill

  210. Podcast: Analyzing Your Users and Needs Before Creating the Help Deliverables; Interview with Nicky Bleiel

  211. Podcast: How to Create User-Centered Documentation, Interview with Joe Sokohl

  212. Thinking About a More Personal Style of Podcasting

  213. Podcast: Workspaces, Collaboration, and Information Sharing -- Interview with Emma Hamer

  214. Podcast: Why Content Management Projects Fail, Interview with Rahel Bailie

  215. Podcast: How XML Enables Information Sharing and Reuse -- Interview with Joe Gollner

  216. Podcast: XSL, Flash, and Live Blogging -- Interview with Sarah O'Keefe

  217. Podcast: Document Engineering, Interview with Robert Glushko

  218. Podcast: Living Multiple Lives -- The New Technical Communicator, Interview with Noz Urbina

  219. Podcast: Embracing Wikis -- Interview with Stewart Mader

  220. Podcast: Moving 50,000 Pages of Unstructured Content to DITA

  221. Podcast: Leading Your Company into the Wikis, Blogs, and Social Networks of Web 2.0

  222. Podcast -- DITA: From the Perspective of Someone Actually Using It

  223. Podcast -- Social Networking and the Value of User Communities for Technical Communicators

  224. Podcast -- Transitioning from Technical Writing into Usability

  225. Podcast -- Tackling Godzilla: A Writer/Usability Consultant Reflects on the Largest Project of her Career

  226. My Blogging and Podcasting Presentation -- the MP3 and Video Recording

  227. Interview with STC President Linda Oestreich: Directions the STC Is Heading

  228. Going Beyond Technical Writing: Practical Advice for Diversifying Your Skillset -- Podcast Interview with Mark Hanigan

  229. All About Madcap Flare: Podcast Interview with Paul Pehrson, MVP in Madcap Software Forums

  230. The Impact of Social Media on Technical Communication -- Podcast Interview with Bill Albing

  231. Technical Communication Suite from Adobe -- Interview with RJ Jacquez

  232. Show Me Demos and Captivate -- Interview with Kevin Siegel

  233. Special DMN Communications Podcast with Tech Writer Voices (me): Are you Hurting Your Career By Not Blogging or Podcasting?

  234. Top 10 Worst Things SMEs Say or Do -- Interview with Brenda Huettner

  235. Building Online Communities: Interview with Svi Ben-Elya about Elephant.org.il

  236. Answering Tough Questions About Wikis -- Interview with Anne Gentle

  237. Usability Research Behind Microsoft's Ergonomic Keyboard

  238. Location is everything when it comes to getting information from SMEs — Carcast

  239. Virtual Ways of Communicating — Char James-Tanny

  240. Information Architecture: Organizing Chaos, Metadata, Taxonomy vs. Folksonomy, and the Dublin Core

  241. A New Approach: Tech Comm News

  242. Vista and Office 2007: Presentation by David McNamee from Microsoft

  243. Podcasting at the STC Conference: Reasons, Methods, and Reflections

  244. STC Conference: Geoff Sauer on tc.eserver.org, the Largest Tech Comm Index Online

  245. STC Conference: Rob Houser on Creating Nontraditional E-Learning

  246. STC Conference: Scott Abel on Web 2.0

  247. STC Conference: Ann Rockley on the Rockley Group Blog and a New CMS Report

  248. STC Conference: Chris Thompson on Searching for a Content Management System

  249. STC Conference: Caroline Jarrett on User Interface Design

  250. STC Conference: Harry Miller on Multimedia Documentation

  251. STC Conference: Stephanie Bryant on Videoblogging

  252. STC Conference: Mike Brazill on Writing for Developers

  253. STC Conference: John Daigle on RoboHelp 7

  254. STC Conference: Debbie Kennedy on Modular Writing and Reusability

  255. STC Conference: Joan Lasselle on Adopting Content Management

  256. STC Conference: Cindy Skawinski on Activity Diagrams (Uniform Modeling Language Artifacts)

  257. STC Conference: Adrienne Escoe on Recruiting

  258. STC Conference: Teresa Lipus, Snake River chapter, Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon

  259. STC Conference: Deanne Levander, Twin Cities, Minnesota Chapter, and John Garison, Vermont

  260. STC Conference: Laurel Bowen, Oakridge Tennessee Chapter

  261. STC Conference: Brad Simmons, Ames, Iowa

  262. STC Conference: Michael Gernes, Central Iowa STC Community

  263. Leadership Day: Jackie Damrau, Dallas, Texas, and Rachel Houghton, Willamette Valley, Oregon

  264. Leadership Day: Jeanette Rogers, Seattle, Instructional Design & Learning SIG

  265. Leadership Day: Lorrie Corbett, Philadelphia Metro Chapter

  266. Leadership Day: Hillary Hart, Austin Chapter

  267. Leadership Day: Todd Race, Toronto chapter, Canadian Issues Group

  268. Leadership Day: Dan Dornbrook, Chicago Chapter

  269. Leadership Day: Melanie G. Flanders, China; Beau Cain, Director 8

  270. Leadership Day: Paul Sinasohn, Berkeley Chapter, California

  271. Leadership Day: Holly Harkness, Al Hood, and Howard Speck — Atlanta Chapter

  272. Leadership Day: Rhevati Sampath and Wendy Tung, Berkeley Chapter, California

  273. Leadership Day: Kelly Schrank & Lou Martindale — Mid-South Chapter in Memphis and Suncoast Chapter in Tampa

  274. Leadership Day: Sue Kloster, Willamette Valley Chapter, Oregon

  275. Creating Help in the Web 2.0 Age — Presentation by Neil Perlin

  276. Special Announcements: Add your blog to techwriterblogs.com wiki, and also support Tech Writer Voices

  277. Presentation on Writing and Web 2.0 by Keith Hoffman — Given at the University of Wisconsin

  278. Wikis Are Coming: An In-Depth Exploration of Using Wikis in Documentation — Interview with Katriel Reichman (Israel)

  279. A Few Conversations at Doc Train — User Personas, Data Conversion, and Simplified Technical English

  280. My First Carcast: Driving Home from Vancouver After the Doc Train Conference

  281. Managing Virtual Teams: Getting the Most from Wikis, Blogs, and Other Collaborative Tools — Interview with the authors

  282. Interview with George Hayhoe, editor of Technical Communication Journal, on Technical Writing in China and Korea

  283. Defining Experiences: Five STC Candidates Share Influential Stories from the Tech Comm Field

  284. Making Help More Human, and other discussions

  285. Susan Burton Provides an Inside, In-Depth Look at STC's Most Pressing Issues

  286. Special STC Elections Podcast: Interview with Nicky Bleiel, Candidate for Director

  287. Is Technical Writing Boring? Tech Writers as Information Architects

  288. Online Communities, Member Maps, Virtual Chats, Sparkpeople, Intercom, and More

  289. Review of Word 2007, Tool vs. Industry Experience, the Slow Movement, E-mail Tips, and More

  290. First Cohost Podcast — A Natural Conversation about Technical Writing

  291. Discussion about RoboHelp 6 — Interview with Rick Stone

  292. How to Create a Site Where Users Can Actually Find Information — Interview with Thom Haller

  293. Ten Lessons Learned as a Technical Communicator — Interview with Rahul Prabhakar

  294. Mike Hamilton Gives Flare Demo to the Suncoast Chapter

  295. The Convergence of Web 2.0 with Help Documentation — Tom Johnson

  296. Understanding Principles of Usability, Part 2 — Karen Bachmann

  297. Understanding Principles of Usability, Part 1 — Karen Bachmann

  298. Web 2.0, CMS, and DITA — Interview with Ann Rockley

  299. How to Increase Collaboration and Performance — Interview with Emma Hamer

  300. Technical Writing in India — Interview with Sandeep Balakrishna

  301. Another Perspective on Single-Sourcing — Interview with Sarah O'Keefe

  302. How To Create a Usable Index — Interview with John McGhie

  303. Podcasting 101 — by Tom Johnson

  304. How to Implement Single Sourcing — Interview with Neil Perlin

  305. Joomla, an Open-Source Content Management System Solution — Interview with Sean Wheller about Joomla

  306. Knowledge Management and Technical Writing — Janet Foley

  307. Flare 2.0 and MadCap Software — Interview with Mike Hamilton

  308. Content Management Professionals — Interview with Scott Abel

  309. Writing for the Web — Ian Koss, Founder of Ink19.com

Podcasts where I’m featured as a guest

The following are podcasts on other sites in which I appear as a guest.

  1. Webinar: Let's talk API docs: a discussion about issues impacting documentation for APIs

  2. Let's Talk Docs podcast -- episode on measuring API documentation quality

  3. Content Strategy Insights podcast with Larry Swanson about API documentation

  4. Podcast: Building Great Documentation -- WAPI FM radio hour

  5. My Knowledgebase Ninjas podcast episode -- Metrics don't work

  6. The Manuscript Podcast, with Breno Barreto -- Episode 2, How technical should a tech writer be?

  7. New podcast: Unifying Technical Content Sets into a Broader Ecosystem, with Cruce Sanders at [A]

  8. Podcast with Jacob Moses on the Not-Boring Tech Writer: Skill #26: Getting Started with API Documentation

  9. My podcast about writing with Ellis Pratt on Cherryleaf

  10. Listen to Ed Marsh's Content Content podcast with me as a guest

Write the Docs podcasts

I used to participate in the Write the Docs Podcast (which since fizzled). Here are links to the episodes we recorded:

  1. Rethinking traditional approaches to release notes -- recording of WTD Australia presentation

  2. Write the Docs Podcast Episode 34: Adding personality to documentation, with Fabrizio Ferri

  3. Write the Docs Podcast episode 33: Simplified user interfaces, with Anton Bollen

  4. Write the Docs Podcast episode 32: Self-publishing and AsciiDoc, with Mehmed Pasic

  5. Write the Docs Podcast episode 31: Site search, with Peter Levan

  6. Write the Docs Podcast episode 30: Documentation templates, with Juan Lara

  7. Write the Docs Podcast episode 29: Salary Survey results and WFH tips, with Eric Holscher

  8. Write the Docs Podcast episode 28: UX writing processes and considerations

  9. Write the Docs Podcast episode 27: Starting a doc group/process when you're the first

  10. Write the Docs Podcast episode 26: Technical writing and Reddit, with Alan Bowman

  11. Write the Docs Podcast episode 25: Researching how developers use API docs, with Andrew Head

  12. Write the Docs Podcast episode 24: Conference chatter and the Australian scene, with Swapnil Ogaler

  13. Write the Docs Podcast episode 23: How to write inclusive tech documentation, by Lucie Le Naour

  14. Write the Docs Podcast episode 22: Managing multiple doc projects across Git repositories, with Giles Gaskell

  15. Write the Docs Podcast episode 21: On career growth, leadership, and mentoring in Tech Writing

  16. Write the Docs podcast episode 20: Minimum requirements for good tech docs, with Matt Reiner

  17. Write the Docs Podcast episode 19: Static site generators, with Jessica Parsons

  18. Write the Docs Podcast episode 18: Recap and thoughts on the WTD Australia 2018 conference

  19. Write the Docs Podcast Episode 17: Structured Writing -- reasons and approaches, with Mark Baker

  20. Write the Docs Podcast episode 16: An open-source Grammarly for tech docs?

  21. Write the Docs Podcast episode 15: User research, tech writer stereotypes, and conversations

  22. Write the Docs Podcast episode 14: Humanizing your documentation

  23. Write the Docs Podcast episode 13: Postman for API development and docs — Interview with Postman Founder

  24. Write the Docs Podcast episode 12: Founding ideas behind Write the Docs

  25. Write the Docs Podcast episode 11: Exploring the Mozilla Developer Network's Web Docs project

  26. Write the Docs Podcast episode 10: What's going on in our lives as documentarians and product owners

  27. Write the Docs Podcast episode 9: Chatbots in Documentation

  28. Write the Docs Podcast episode 8: Stack Overflow's Documentation Failure and Open Source Challenges

  29. Write the Docs Podcast episode 7: Let The Robots Do The Work

  30. Write the Docs Podcast episode 6: Metadata and UI copy

  31. Write the Docs Podcast episode 5: Where do we belong?

  32. Write the Docs Podcast Episode 4 -- Continuous Integration and Docs as Code

  33. Write the Docs Podcast Episode 2 (which Focuses on Findability) Now Available

  34. Write the Docs Podcast episode 1: New podcast from the Write the Docs community

The following are active podcasts related to technical writing, language, content strategy, and so on.

Inside Tech Comm with Zohra Mutabanna Content Components 10 Minute Tech Comm podcast Cherryleaf podcast Content Content podcast Scriptorium - The Content Strategy Experts podcast Grammar Girl podcast Knowledgebase Ninjas The Content Strategy Podcast

These tech comm podcasts have faded:

If you have a techcomm podcast you’d like to recommend, let me know and I’ll add it here.

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.