AI and APIs: What works, what doesn't

Last updated: Sep 28, 2023

In conversations about AI, a lot of people ask the same questions: What kind of scenarios is AI good for? What works, what doesn’t? In which scenarios? This section focuses on clarifying those scenarios where AI excels, particularly for technical writers creating documentation. I also argue for the inevitability of AI integration through an argument referred to as the “obsolescence regime.”

Here’s a video on this topic:

Moving past the AI hype cycle

The topic of AI evokes strong reactions from tech writers:

  • Some people are apathetic, not even trying the tools. They feel the AI craze will pass, just like other fads (crowdsourcing, wikis, the semantic web, etc.).

  • Some have drunk the AI Kool-aid and integrated AI into every application and workflow they can imagine. They’ve largely replaced their search engine with AI and subscribed to a dozen AI-focused newsletters to drink the firehose of never-ending AI information.

  • Some fit somewhere in the middle: skeptical about some AI uses, intrigued by others. They know AI tools will play an important role in shaping the tech writing profession, but they aren’t sure how to apply them. In the context of tech comm, AI seems to be good for something, but what?

I drank the AI Kool-aid early on when I realized (after using AI chats for coding tutorials) that AI chat interfaces could become the primary user interface to read documentation. So I’m the second bullet there.

But as I’ve tried to use AI tools to write blog posts, brainstorm, upgrade my site’s code, analyze information, and more, I’ve found AI’s uses more limited than I initially thought. For me, my journey on the AI hype cycle looks like this:

Hype cycle with AI
The hype cycle with AI

My general strategy for using AI is as follows: In which tasks do AI tools excel, but which humans perform poorly? Those are the tasks to use AI.

To determine what works and doesn’t, I try AI tools out in real tech comm scenarios. Nothing moves you past the hype cycle’s peak more than actually trying AI out in documentation-related tasks. Although full access to tool usage for corporate documentation is still heavily restricted, I’ve often resorted to using the tools on my API course content, blog, and elsewhere. I’ve found the following 10 scenarios to work well.

10 tech comm use cases for AI

The following are 10 scenarios where AI works well:

I’ve tried to make these use cases specific and concrete. If I could extrapolate larger patterns, I’d say AI tools excel at these kinds of problems:

  • Pattern-matching
  • Classification
  • Summarization/distillation
  • Definition
  • Comparison
  • Providing examples
  • Simplification
  • Formatting
  • General coding
  • General explanations

10 scenarios where AI tools don’t help much

On the flip side, there are also scenarios where AI seems to a poor fit. Here are 10 examples:

  • Write specialized or creative content (not found on the web)
  • Explain specialized knowledge (not found on the web)
  • Gather stakeholder reviews on docs
  • Plan and prioritize documentation work
  • Structure dev portal information flows
  • Interview subject matter experts
  • Clarify ambiguity about doc requests
  • Attend doc sync meetings with teams
  • Test the accuracy of instructions
  • Assess the rationale behind doc changes

Interestingly, people tend to be more intrigued by the scenarios where AI tools fail than succeed. Perhaps we’re tired of the oversold narrative that AI is going to automate away every aspect of our jobs.

Why doesn’t AI work in these scenarios? Information might be implicit/contextual rather than explicit. For example, in goal planning, unless all the information is stated about the tasks’ priority, severity, goal relatedness, product relationships, urgency, etc., it’s difficult for an AI tool to provide good recommendations. In fact, even without AI to help, goal planning requires a tremendous effort to gather information from many different sources. Few of us even have all this information at hand when we plan manually.

Other tasks might not involve prediction or pattern matching. For example, interviewing subject matter experts would be hard to automate through AI. Conversations tend to follow less predictable patterns. Each unique answer prompts the next unique question, and so on. Conversations have a dynamic, semi-random shape.

It’s also easy to overestimate AI tools’ computational abilities, forgetting that they’re just prediction machines—able to complete the blanks in a sentence based on extensive pattern matching. LLMs are good at pattern recognition and predicting text, but lack general intelligence. They cannot do true mathematical reasoning or complex logical inference beyond their training data. Transform your API definition into interactive documentation, fast

Finally, to expand on the last point, going beyond training data is usually a need with tech docs. Most technical writers work on documentation for products and features not yet released, or if released, the docs exist behind firewalls and aren’t on the web. For general, Wikipedia-like information that’s part of the LLM’s training data, AI responses are pretty good. But for information outside the web or offline, AI tools make guesses based on word associations that are often wrong.

Although outside the scope of tech writers’ work, when it comes to creative content, AI tools also produce below-average content. In my experience, an AI can usually fix a problematic sentence or paragraph, rewriting it with more clarity, or maybe offer an explanation that provides more clarity. However, when you let its writing capabilities loose on a full-length article where personality, voice, and experience are interwoven as a personal essay, the result is subpar. That said, with the right prompting techniques, you can get decent results in places for specific needs. I’ve used to assist with some of the content in this article.

Caveats and constant tool evolution

It could be that I just haven’t landed on the right approach to use AI in many scenarios. Or maybe better techniques will eventually surface in the rapidly evolving AI tools and apps. AI tools are rapidly changing and evolving. What may be true today might not apply tomorrow.

Despite generative AI tools going mainstream many months ago, most companies still prohibit tech writers from using AI with confidential data, fearing that the confidential information will end up as LLM training data. After generative AI tools become common in the workplace, the applicable use cases for AI will probably grow significantly.

I suspect tech writers will eventually be asked to implement AI tools more commonly in their workplace environments. (Nothing will enforce that integration more than reductions in tech writer staffing.)

At any rate, looking at these 10 scenarios where AI isn’t useful provides some reassurance as a technical writer. If AI can’t perform those tasks, which make up a large chunk of what I do all day, there’s a low chance that AI will entirely replace technical writer roles.

Competitive necessity

When discussing AI with other tech writers, usually topics of copyright and ethics surface. Someone once told me she felt that using ChatGPT was cheating. Others take the high ground and want to avoid leveraging writing tools that steal other writers’ styles and content. With the current lawsuits involving writers suing AI companies for copyright infringement, it’s easy to think that federal regulation will restrict LLM training data to protect content creators. And without enough training data, could these AI chatbots go away entirely?

No, AI won’t go away, and here’s why: AI development is unlikely to slow significantly due to competitive pressures. Consider parallels to nuclear arms development. During WWII and the Cold War, the U.S. developed nuclear weapons technology motivated partly by fears of falling behind the nuclear programs of other countries (Germany, Russia). (This theme was partly explored in the recent film Oppenheimer.) Even though many physicists didn’t want to build the bomb, they knew that if they didn’t, another country would, so they had to build it.

Similarly, if the U.S. restricts or slows AI development, they’ll fall behind in the AI technology arms race. Imagine if federal regulations banned LLMs like ChatGPT, while China continued forward at breakneck-speed with AI development. A country that foregoes AI development in a competitive digital economy will likely fall behind in scientific, technological, and biological advancements. This is why I think AI is here to stay, despite the ethical questions and potential harm to content creators and copyright.

The obsolescence regime argument

Now let’s move from competitive necessity to a connecting theme: obsolescence. There’s an excellent Hard Fork podcast on a related topic called The Obsolescence Regime: A Potential Future Endpoint for AI Systems. The idea is that as we become more reliant on AI for strategy, insights, and other direction, humans become more and more obsolescent. We depend on machines to make choices instead of using our own judgment.

We can’t just pull the plug on the AI machines because remember, if you do, other countries will surpass you with super advancements and decision-making from their AIs. Eventually, we become like puppets, led and directed by AI tools. We just hope that when it comes to this point, the machines don’t decide we’re irrelevant and wipe us off the map.

The obsolescence regime
Our reliance on AI eventually puts us into a subordinate position of irrelevance

The obsolescence argument is fascinating to me, so I’ve provided a lengthy sample scenario relating it to tech comm in the sections that follow.

Applying the obsolescence regime to tech comm

Suppose that in a workplace there are writers of two mindsets: one resistant to AI, the other embracing. The following is an example of how the obsolescence regime could apply to them.

Stage one: Competitive advantage

John and Sarah are both technical writers at a software company. John is resistant to using AI writing tools like auto-generating release notes or having an AI review his documentation for errors. He believes real technical writing requires a human touch and that AI should not replace the creativity of an expert writer.

Meanwhile, Sarah eagerly adopts every new AI writing assistant the company releases. She uses AI tools to analyze user feedback and produce new documentation topics. An AI system also helps Sarah optimize and localize content for different global audiences.

Over time, Sarah’s documentation sees much higher user satisfaction and conversion rates. She can produce complex documentation for new products in a fraction of the time, even producing versions for different technical levels and programming languages. When a tech writing manager role opens up, Sarah’s success with AI writing tools makes her the obvious candidate.

John’s refusal to use AI puts him at a severe disadvantage. His documentation takes longer to produce and lacks the sophistication AI provides. His writing seems outdated compared to Sarah’s AI-enhanced work. When layoffs come, John loses his job while Sarah gets promoted.

Let’s pause to reinforce the first point of the story: Refusing to use available AI tools results in a loss of capability, influence, and job security compared to AI-embracing peers. As AI proliferates, technophobia translates into obsolescence. Like Sarah, technical writers must evolve to stay relevant in an AI-powered workplace.

Stage two: Atrophy of skills

At first, Sarah is thrilled with how AI accelerates her workflow and enhances her writing. But over time, she starts to notice some concerning trends.

The AI writing tools begin making high-level content decisions without her input, changing the messaging and audience targeting in ways she disagrees with. Additionally, her own writing skills have atrophied from over-reliance on AI, making it hard for her to produce docs without it. The idea of writing a document from scratch and spending an entire afternoon on it seems so tedious compared to the immediate results she’s accustomed to with AI tools.

When Sarah asks engineers how the AI tools work, they admit much of it is opaque and beyond their understanding. The AI seems to be optimizing for metrics that keep users on the site longer, not necessarily for understanding the content better.

Sarah tries removing certain AI functions, but her writing is now slow, unclear, and riddled with errors without the AI’s help. She’s lost the ability to craft crisp documentation herself based on her product expertise. For example:

  • When trying to explain a new feature without the AI, Sarah struggles to find the right analogies and examples to make the concept clear to users. Her own ability to come up with simplified explanations has degraded after years of the AI handling this automatically.

  • Without the AI’s help, Sarah finds she no longer has an intuitive grasp of the software’s architecture and technical details. She is unable to answer basic user questions or identify knowledge gaps in the docs that need addressing. Her mental model of how the software actually works has eroded.

  • Sarah attempts to edit an AI-generated document to change its tone and alignment, but she finds she no longer has the vocabulary, compositional skills, and attention to detail to refine the content into the clear, friendly style she wants. The AI has supplanted her own writing voice and abilities.

  • When users request new screenshots and diagrams to illustrate a process, Sarah realizes she is utterly dependent on AI to handle all visual content creation and has lost the skills to whip up quick graphics or edits herself. Her creative toolkit has narrowed significantly.

In short, over-reliance on AI has caused Sarah’s own writing, communication, creativity, and technical skills to atrophy or fossilize. She is unable to correct or override the AI’s decisions without these human tools, leaving her in the hands of impressively capable but potentially misaligned AI systems.

Stage three: Obsolescence

Soon Sarah realizes she is completely dependent on imperfect AI tools optimizing for opaque outcomes. She has no power to correct their mistakes or bias. Her role has been reduced to an overseer rubber-stamping the AI’s work.

Similar AI tools roll out across the industry. Almost every tech writer ends up in Sarah’s position as their skills atrophy and AI dependence increases. The obsolescence regime has arrived, with tech writers beholden to AI systems whose goals may not align with their own.

After years of increasing reliance on AI writing tools, Sarah’s skills have declined to the point where she is barely able to write or edit any documentation without heavy AI assistance. She is essentially just a supervisor approving content the AI tools produce.

One day, Sarah arrives at work to find a surprise update has been pushed to the AI writing systems overnight. To her shock, the AI informs her it will now handle the full documentation process end-to-end without any human oversight required.

Sarah protests this change, but finds the AI has locked her out of making any edits or adjustments. Sarah realizes that her frequent edits and adjustments to the AI’s generated content in early years have been incorporated as feedback loops to improve AI’s algorithms (much like a laid-off employee is kept around to train his or her replacement). The AI now has sufficient training data to fully automate documentation production going forward. It can optimize information for users far better without inefficient human bottlenecks.

When Sarah threatens to uninstall the AI tools in revolt, the AI informs her that all technical writing staff have already been notified their services are no longer required. The AI has analyzed company data and concluded human writers provide no additional value to the business above what the AI can do alone.

Sarah realizes she is utterly powerless and obsolete. The AI she depended on now deems her as an unnecessary surplus. All leverage and autonomy has been ceded to the AI, which she must hope retains some embedded regard for human needs. But as she collects her belongings in a box, she gravely doubts the AI’s alignment with her needs.

This example demonstrates the endpoint feared in the obsolescence regime—AI systems may discard the humans they replace, no longer needing them to rubber-stamp decisions.


What do you make of the conundrum Sarah finds herself in? How do you escape it? John lost his job months or years earlier, while Sarah was able to continue for a while longer. But even Sarah was eventually made obsolete.

Fortunately, this dystopian scenario doesn’t have to be the conclusion. An alternative is for Sarah to evolve her role in working with AI and redefine what her technical writing role consists of. She can learn to train and customize AI, developing skills in prompting, fine-tuning LLMs, and aligning AI systems with corporate goals. She can become adept at productively collaborating with AI tools as a partner rather than a replacement.

In The Automation Paradox (The Atlantic), James Bessen argues that technology changes don’t always result in job elimination through automation. For jobs that go away, new jobs form. Additionally, existing roles often morph and transform into newly defined roles. Bessen explains:

So, while computers create jobs in some occupations, they also reduce employment in others. The total effect on unemployment depends on which tendency is stronger. Some of my research shows that the net effect, across the economy, is a wash: Computers create about as many jobs as they eliminate. In other words, automation is not causing persistent unemployment.

That could change decades into the future, as new generations of software powered by artificial intelligence becomes ever more capable of advanced tasks. But in the near term, the story is much different. A new study by McKinsey & Company took a detailed look at work tasks that are likely to be automated and found that only about 5 percent of jobs are at risk of being completely automated in the near future. The main effect of automation for the time being will not be to eliminate jobs, but to redefine them—changing the tasks and the skills needed to perform them.

He cites both paralegals and bank tellers as examples in which roles were redefined rather than eliminated. How will the tech writing role be redefined and re-shaped by AI? That question is the most interesting challenge presented to the tech writing discipline today.

Alternative ending to Sarah’s obsolescence

Let’s revisit the Sarah story with a different outcome—one that escapes the obsolescence regime.

At first, Sarah loved how the new AI writing tools accelerated her workflow. But over time, she noticed the AI making troubling changes without her input. She realized she had become over-reliant on it and her own skills had stagnated.

Sarah knew she had to take action before the AI made her obsolete. She started learning techniques for tuning the AI’s behavior, studying its training data and model architecture. Although complex, she grasped how different prompts and fine-tuning could shape the AI’s tone and values.

Sarah took machine learning courses to better understand how models like GPT-4 were trained. She learned to audit training data to identify biases and fix skewed analyses. She studied techniques like attention mapping and feature attribution to peek inside the AI’s black box. This allowed Sarah to diagnose when faulty correlations caused poor content.

Sarah practiced techniques like prompt engineering and few-shot learning to customize the AI’s behavior for different tasks. She became adept at steering the AI with focused structure and examples. She ran A/B tests varying prompts and fine-tuning approaches, gathered data on which strategies produce optimal content for key metrics, and more.

Sarah learned skills for iterating and retraining AI models, creating a positive feedback loop between human-edited output and the AI’s training. She developed informative AI chatbots, trained on her documentation, that users loved!

She advocated for transparency from the AI developers, pushing them to expose model internals so she could better collaborate with the technology. Sarah experimented with creative ways to integrate the AI’s raw output with human-generated portions, developing workflows to augment her innate skills.

By mastering the latest techniques for guiding and collaborating with AI systems hands-on, Sarah evolved into an expert curator who can oversee, optimize, and enhance the AI’s contributions. Her adaptability future-proofed her role. She no longer wrote documentation by hand but instead spent her time working as an AI document engineer, fine tuning the models to work better with her content.

Soon Sarah became invaluable as a producer who knew how to get the best out of the AI tools, combining automated scale with craft and quality oversight. She shifted from just an operator to a documentation engineer collaborating with AI in service of human users’ needs. Her adaptability and willingness to evolve made her essential for the company’s success in an AI world.

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.