Populating documentation templates using AI

Last updated: Jul 28, 2024

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use AI to populate documentation templates with the source material you’ve gathered. For example, API overviews often follow a highly structured template. This technique can be a quick way to get an initial draft of documentation, which you can then edit and review with SMEs.


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Before you start, you’ll need three things:

A large body of accurate information

Gather up all the documents related to the API or features you’re documenting, including meeting notes. If you don’t have this information, you’ll need to interview the product team to gather it. See Creating high-fidelity, thematically organized notes from engineering meetings using AI for details on this approach. You might need to interview half a dozen team members to gather information, if it doesn’t exist.

From the myriad project documents you can find (one-pagers, product definitions, engineering design documents, business analysis docs, and more), quickly glance through and remove any information that isn’t accurate. For example, in engineering design docs, teams often explore alternative approaches that aren’t ever implemented. You can remove those sections to avoid confusing the AI.

Most of all, generate the reference documentation for the API and include this in with your other material. Some reference outputs might have dozens of pages, making this complicated. If you have options for a more consolidated output, such as an RPC interface instead of REST, this might work better.

Documentation templates (optional)

Optionally, find some documentation templates that match your company’s existing structure and style. If you’re working for a large company with many existing docs, you could follow common patterns in other company docs. If you don’t have to match an existing structure and style, you can create your own templates, perhaps leveraging them from the Good Docs project or by reverse engineering prompts from examples of good documentation.

In this tutorial, I’ll use a template for an API overview. In addition to template sections, your template should ideally include example content for each section.

Note that you don’t actually need templates. As much as I feel like templates should be a commonly used structure, I find that I rarely use them. Perhaps they’re simply more for beginners. Instead, most information has its own, unique shape and sections. I’ll share how to proceed with or without templates.

A powerful AI tool

You’ll need access to an generative AI tool that accepts a large token input and is fairly powerful. The AI tools available to you vary by company. See the information security policies at your company for which tools you’re allowed to use company data with. In general, use LLMs with high token inputs. If you’re able to use Gemini, Claude, or ChatGPT for your documentation content, all the better. (In this series on prompt engineering, I’ve kept things generic rather than tying them to specific AI tools. Most of them work more or less similarly.)

The prompt

Let’s get started with the prompt.

You’re a technical writer creating API documentation for developers. As a technical writer, you write with both clarity and accuracy, following documentation style standards common in technical style guides. You’ve gathered a lot of source material {Source Material} in the form of engineering docs, project designs, and more. You’ve also gathered information from meetings with the project team and have included transcripts of the meetings in {Source Material} as well.

You’ll draw upon this {Source Material} to populate a documentation template. A documentation template just specifies a specific pattern for information, putting information into a specific order and arrangement. In this case, you’ll create an API overview, populating the API documentation template based on information in the {Source Material}. You’ll proceed section by section through the template, with me prompting you with the template sections and including an example each time.

Stick as closely as possible to the {Source Material} for your information. If the information doesn’t exist in the {Source Material}, don’t invent information. Instead, write “No information available in source material” for that part of the template.

Sounds good? Ready to begin? Here’s the first section of the API overview template:

{Template for section 1}

Section 1: API Name and description

  • API Name — Clear and concise name of the API
  • Description — A succinct overview of the API, its primary function, core benefits, and value it offers to developers.

Here’s an example:

{Example for section 1}

API Name: RetailGraph API

Description: The RetailGraph API helps you understand your retail data better. Using special database technology, it shows you how products, customers, and sales information are connected. For example, you can see which products are often bought together, how customers move through your website or store, and who your most influential customers are. This lets you make smarter decisions about marketing and inventory.

{Instructions for section 1}

Now draw upon the {Source Material} and populate this first section of the template — API Name and description.

Here’s the source material:

{Source Material}


Notice how I’ve used single curly braces to call out specific things like {Source Material}. This seems to work well, and AI tools can better understand prompts with clear flags like this.

After AI responds, follow it with this:

Great! Strive for richer detail if possible. And as always, stay accurate to the {Source Material}. Now let’s move on to section 2. Here’s the template for section 2:

{Template for section 2}

Section 2: Getting Started

Before You Begin — Essential information developers need before making their first call. This includes authentication methods (API keys, OAuth, etc) with details on how to obtain and use them, base URLs for different API resources, rate limits, usage quotas, and billing information. Security best practices for interacting with the API should also be highlighted.

{Example for section 2}

Here’s an example:

Before You Begin

To start using the RetailGraph API, you will need to:

  • Obtain API credentials: Generate your unique API key and secret from the RetailGraph Developer Portal. The API key will be included in the header of every request and the secret should be stored securely.
  • Base URL: All requests should be made to the following base URL: https://api.retailgraph.com/v2
  • Authentication: RetailGraph uses API Key authentication. Include your API key in the header of every request like so: x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Rate limits: To ensure optimal performance for all our users, RetailGraph enforces rate limits. You can perform up to 1000 requests per minute. See our developer portal for details on how we handle rate limiting.

{Instructions for section 2}

Now draw upon the {Source Material} and populate this second section of the template — Section 2: Getting Started.

After AI responds, follow it with this:

Nice work! You’re really amazing. I like how you’ve added so much detail and how you’ve followed the structure I gave you. You’re doing a really good job! Now let’s keep going with the third section. Here’s the template:

{Template for section 3}

Section 3: Key capabilities and use cases

  • Key capabilities — A bulleted list highlighting the API’s main functions. Each capability should be briefly explained to give developers a quick grasp of the potential uses of the API.
  • Use Cases — Concrete, practical examples of how the API can be applied in different business scenarios. These should be written with the target audience’s understanding and knowledge in mind.

{Example for section 3}

Here’s an example:

Key capabilities:

  • Product relationship analysis: Identify products frequently purchased together, revealing opportunities for cross-selling and promotions, or those which are commonly returned together, highlighting potential issues with quality or compatibility.
  • Customer journey mapping: Visualize the steps customers take leading up to a purchase, enabling you to optimize marketing campaigns and the sales funnel.
  • Influencer identification: Discover customers with a substantial impact on others’ buying decisions, helping you develop targeted influencer marketing strategies.
  • Trend visualization: Identify and explore emerging sales patterns and trends through graph-powered analytics enabling data-driven decision making.

Use Cases:

  • E-commerce recommendations: Provide personalized product recommendations in real-time to enhance customer experience and boost sales.
  • Customer segmentation: Group customers based on their purchasing behaviors, demographics, and preferences for targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Fraud detection: Identify unusual patterns of behavior in your transactional graph which may indicate fraudulent activity.

{Instructions for section 3}

Now draw upon the {Source Material} and populate this third section of the template — Section 3 — Key capabilities and use cases.

Note that in creating this prompt, I had AI tools create the samples as well, so this is probably not the best template. I’m trying to describe the approach rather than gift you a perfect template. Using actual examples from APIs might be much better.

After AI responds, follow it with this:

It’s looking good! Beautiful work. I especially like that you conform to technical style by being accurate, plain, and concise in the language. I also like the bulleted lists and other structures that make it easy to read this information. Way to go! Now let’s move on to the next section. Here’s the template for section 4:

{Template for section 4}

Section 4: Technical Details

  • Endpoints — A well-structured summary of all available endpoints, the HTTP methods associated with them and the expected data formats for requests and responses. Examples of both successful and error responses should be included, potentially with links to a Postman collection.
  • Error handling — Clear guidance for developers on how to handle errors. A list of potential error codes with their meanings and suggested resolutions, as well as the structure of error responses.
  • Additional considerations — This section provides additional technical specifications like available SDKs, code examples in various programming languages, pagination details, API versioning and the API’s deprecation policy.

{Example for section 4}

Here’s an example:


  • Get Product RelationshipsGET https://api.retailgraph.com/v2/products/{productID}/relationships — returns products frequently bought or returned with the specified product ID. Request body should be formatted as JSON, example response:
          "relationships" : [
                  "productId": "B00123",
                  "relationshipType" : "frequently_bought_together",
                  "strength" : 0.8
  • Get Customer JourneyGET https://api.retailgraph.com/v2/customers/{customerID}/journey — Visualizes the customer journey as a series of nodes and relationships.
  • Identify InfluencersGET https://api.retailgraph.com/v2/influencers — Returns a list of customers identified as influencers based on their network centrality and purchase history.

Error handling

RetailGraph uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the outcome of an API request. For a full list of error codes see [Error Codes].

Additional considerations

The RetailGraph API supports pagination, versioning, and offers SDKs for Python, Javascript and Java. See [Pagination and versioning] for more details.

{Instructions for section 4}

Now draw upon the {Source Material} and populate this fourth section of the template: Section 4 — Technical Details.

After AI responds, follow it with this:

Nice job. I like the way you draw upon the {Source Material} for the information. Accuracy is really important to me. Above all else, I want users to have credible information. Let’s keep going with the rest of the template. The following is the template for section 5.

{Template for section 5}

Section 5: Developer Resources

  • Tools — A summary of the different ways that developers can interact with the API, that is, via the console, CLI, SDKs or by making direct requests.
  • Support — Information on where and how to seek help when using the API such as support channels, community forums, Stack Overflow, issue trackers, and feedback channels.
  • Additional resources — A collection of links to additional documentation like tutorials, quickstarts, blog posts and other pertinent materials.

{Example for section 5}

Here’s an example:


  • RetailGraph API Console: Experiment with API requests directly in your browser through our interactive API console, no setup required!
  • SDKs: Integrate the RetailGraph API seamlessly into your applications using our well-documented SDKs for Python, Javascript, and Java.
  • RetailGraph CLI: For developers who prefer the command line, our CLI offers powerful features for interacting with the API.


  • RetailGraph Developer Portal — Your hub for extensive documentation, tutorials, and community resources.
  • Community Forums: Engage with fellow developers and our team through our forums to seek assistance, share insights, and ask questions.
  • Github Discussions: Raise any issues or feature requests directly with our engineering team.

Additional Resources

  • RetailGraph Blog — Stay updated with the latest API developments, use cases, and best practices.

{Instructions for section 5}

Now draw upon the {Source Material} and populate this fifth section of the template: Section 5 — Developer Resources. Again, if the information doesn’t exist in the {Source Material}, don’t invent information or guess. Instead, write “No information available in source material.”

After AI responds, follow it with this:

Is there any other material in the {Source Material} that wasn't part of the previous templates that you think might be a good idea to include in the API overview?

Verifying accuracy

After you make your way through the entire template, you need to check for accuracy. However, this is the tricky part. How do you know if it’s accurate or not? Unless you’ve read through the source material, you probably won’t know.

1. Error check the output

You can switch hats with the AI and ask it to check for errors. See the section Error checking the AI output for a prompt and details.

Keep in mind that you can’t necessarily trust the AI’s response. It’s like listening to a liar who says he or she isn’t lying. For example, if the LLM says that the content is all accurate, do you trust this judgement? Sometimes an LLM might also invent a discrepancy that isn’t actually a discrepancy. However, this accuracy check is relatively easy to do and might be a way to flag possible inaccuracies, especially if you want an easy way to highlight potential grey areas for others to focus on.

2. Read the source material

Read through the source material to confirm the AI’s output. This is likely time-consuming and tedious if you’re documenting a large API. However, knowledge of the source material is probably key for working on the documentation anyway. My recommendation is to print everything out, then book an hour in a conference room away from a computer and read through it. Book multiple one-hour reading sessions as needed. At least skim through the material.

3. Review the content with SMEs

Review the material with someone who has a high degree of project knowledge (in other words, someone who is a “subject matter expert,” aka SME), such as the tech lead for the project and the product manager. Let them know the content was AI-generated so that they’re aware of the need to pay close attention to accuracy and possible hallucination. Gen AI tools write with such a high degree of confidence that it’s easy to be persuaded by their ethos, so you have to be extra suspicious.

When I send the document to reviewers, I’ll flag it with a note like this: “Note: This content was AI-generated. Please scrutinize it for accuracy even if it sounds right.”

Note that you can also use AI to incorporate comments from SMEs. For example, suppose a SME writes that a section is confusing and could use an example. Copy and section and reviewer’s comment into your AI tool and ask for an improvement. You’d be amazed at how quickly you can make way through a list of comments like this. As you can see, the role of the tech writer is shifting to AI interfacer.


Getting an AI to produce an accurate piece of documentation like an API overview isn’t zero-shot prompt. It involves quite a bit of work, but much less work than writing the first draft yourself. By expertly wielding documentation templates against a large body of accurate source material, you can speed your way through writing documentation and arrive at a decent first draft.

Collecting the source material and crafting the documentation prompts is the hard part. Once you’ve finished that foundational work, you can apply the techniques to your documentation more efficiently.

You’ll notice that I worked in some positive feedback as the prompts go along. This is emotional priming. I’m not sure how effective it is, but the idea is that positive feedback makes the AI better. Even if not, it makes my feel better about my relationship with AI.

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.