James Bond: The History of the Illustrated 007 (Podcast with Alan Porter)
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James Bond: The History of the Illustrated 007 is Alan Porter's latest book. Alan Porter is vice president of Operations at Webworks, and I've interviewed him before about their extensive use of wikis. Obviously James Bond isn't a person that comes to mind when we think of technical communicators, but Alan explains the appeal of the Bond character from a technical writer's perspective.
I had the chance to flip through the James Bond book at the STC Summit bookstore, and I was impressed by the quality. Full color pages, large format, insightful commentary on each page. This book would make an interesting read, especially given the longstanding appeal of Bond in comics, novels, and movies.
Buy James Bond: The History of the Illustrated 007 from Amazon.
About Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.
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