An easy way to support my site: Sign up for technical writing job alerts

by Tom Johnson on Jul 30, 2015
categories: jobs

I've added a Zip Recruiter job feature on my site to help you more easily find jobs in your area.

I’ve added a Zip Recruiter feature on my site. You can now search for jobs by clicking the Jobs button on the top navigation bar. Additionally, you can sign up for job alerts by filling out the form at the bottom of each post.

Here’s what’s cool about this feature. Not only are the jobs automatically filtered to your area, when you get email updates about the jobs that match your search, the job email notifications will actually come from

Of course each time you click a job link through my site or email distribution, I get a tiny affiliate commission. If you want to support my site, please sign up for a job alert and click job links from time to time.

By the way, if you’re looking for a job, one strategy you might try is adding a visual resume to your submission materials. Check out this great example of a visual resume by Greta Boller. I’ve never done this myself, but I just might if I find myself searching for a job.

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.