Writing User-Centered Documentation, or, My Best Days as a Technical Writer

User-centered documentation 1.0 Podcast: How to Create User-Centered Documentation, Interview with Joe Sokohl 1.1 → Writing User-Centered Documentation, or, My Best Days as a Technical Writer 1.2 New series: User-centered documentation 1...

Turning Point (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collab...

Writing Is Harder Than Most Think (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collab...

A Guiding Metaphor (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collab...

Community and Collaboration (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 → Community and Collaboration (Wi...

Some Wiki Basics (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 → Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collaboration (Wikis) ...

Is Collaborative Authoring Over-Hyped?

If there's one business buzzword that you hear all over the place, "collaboration" must rank in the top 10. When it comes to technical writing, if we open our arms to collaboration, giving a warm embrace to "collaborative authoring" is only one more little step. It feels so tolerant and embracing to be collaborative. It fits in with Web 2.0 and the trend toward interactivity. In reality, collaborative authoring is little more than a euphe...

The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis)

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 → The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collaboration (Wikis) ...

My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model

My journey to and from wikis 1.0 → My Journey To and From Wikis: Why I Adopted Wikis, Why I Veered Away, and a New Model 1.1 The Need for Constant Updates (Wikis) 1.2 Some Wiki Basics (Wikis) 1.3 Community and Collaboration (Wikis) ...

Upcoming STC Webinar: Creating Help in a Wiki Environment

I'm giving an STC webinar this Thursday titled "Creating Help in a Wiki Environment." Here's the description: Creating Help in a Wiki Environment Thursday, 7 June | 4:00–5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) One advantage to working in a wiki environment is to enable collaboration among a community of users. Without this collaboration, wikis offer little more than ease of publishing. But how do you build a community of users? How do you invite intelligent...

An Ingenious Way to Solicit Community Contributions, or, How to Replace the Screen for an Asus Laptop UL50AG

Last week one of my kids broke my ASUS laptop screen (she closed it while something was caught in the lid). At first I thought it would be the end of life for my laptop, but then I found that replacing a laptop screen was somewhat inexpensive (about $75 + shipping) and easy (according to this video). So I ordered a new screen from laptopscreen.com. After my order shipped, I also received this curious email from the company. The email said...

Content Strategy Workshops: Interview with Rahel Bailie

Content Strategy Workshops This year Rahel Bailie and Scott Abel are putting on a new event called Content Strategy Workshops. It's a two-day event, held October 9-10 in Portland, Oregon that follows the Lavacon Conference (held October 7-9, same hotel). I helped work on the website a bit, and I wanted to highlight this new event through an interview with Rahel.  Tell me about the new Content Strategy Workshop conference you're putting on...

When Wikis Succeed and Fail

I am currently at the STC Summit in Chicago. One of the reasons I love the STC Summit so much is that it feels like home. I know so many people at this conference, and it's great to chat with them. People like Sarah Maddox, Ellis Pratt, Janet Swisher, Arnold Burian, Matt Pierce, Todd Deluca, Mark Lewis, Kirsty Taylor, Joe Gollner, Gina Wadley, Kai Weber, Kit Brown, Alyssa Fox, Tommy Barker, Larry Kunz, Rahel Bailie, Richard Hamilton, and ...

Confab 2012: Thoughts and Reactions

I recently attended Confab in Minneapolis. I was one of about 5 technical writers among the 650 attendees, which is why I found it surprising to hear Erin Kissane say, We can learn a lot from tech comm. Let me repeat that. We can learn a lot from tech comm. I felt pleased to hear this shout-out to my profession, and then tried to unpack exactly what she meant. Throughout the conference, a number of presenters emphasized the need for struc...

15 Tips for a Successful Conference Experience

Tips for a successful conference experience The STC Summit takes place in a few days. If you monitor the #stc12 twitter stream, you can feel the excitement of the conference attendees. I've been to at least a dozen conferences over the last seven years or so, and I've accumulated a few tips that have helped make my conference experience better. Here are my top 15 tips for a successful conference experience. 1. If you want to sightsee, arr...