WordPress tip: Create a series of posts

Blogging makes short-form publishing (1,000 to 2,000 word articles) easy, but what if you want to go beyond that, writing long-form content with more substance? For example, what if you want to use a blog to write a book, or a series of essays focused on a particular topic? You could write longer posts, but longer posts don't work well online. Most people reading online tend to stay only several minutes on a page before clicking elsewhere...

Researching the right keywords (search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization 1.0 How to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) Your Help Documentation 1.1 Introduction, frames, iframes, and tech comm tools (search engine optimization) 1.2 Single sourcing and duplicate content (search engine optimization) ...

Get a technical writing internship or on-the-job experience without having much time for it

A reader asks, I am a college student that is unsure of what I want to do when I "grow up." I previously thought that I wanted to work in human services, and although I still have the same drive to help those less fortunate I don't think that I want to make that my career. Besides raising a child and taking care of the house, which I think is a full-time job on its own, I also work outside of the home (I get to my school work some time be...

My Christmas wishlist on Techwhirl

My Christmas wish list for Santa is now on techwhirl.com. You can read it at Dear Santa: Tom Johnson's Nearly Impossible Wish List. I'm not sure how practical it is, but I had a lot of fun making it. There are also quite a few wish lists from other tech comm people, such as Mark Baker, Kristina Halverson, Joann Hackos, Jack Molisani, and more. You can see the full list here.

Single sourcing and duplicate content (search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization 1.0 How to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) Your Help Documentation 1.1 Introduction, frames, iframes, and tech comm tools (search engine optimization) 1.2 → Single sourcing and duplicate content (search engine optimization) ...

Introduction, frames, iframes, and tech comm tools (search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization 1.0 How to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) Your Help Documentation 1.1 → Introduction, frames, iframes, and tech comm tools (search engine optimization) 1.2 Single sourcing and duplicate content (search engine optimization) ...

Collapsible header sections -- more problematic than helpful

I'm a flip-flopper when it comes to collapsible sections. Sometimes I think they're great, and other times I think they're problematic. A while ago I converted nearly all of my help's subheadings into collapsible sections. I trend toward longer help pages, and the collapsible heading sections seemed like a natural way to provide a kind of clickable TOC. Readers could see up-front all the sections on the page and go directly to the section...

TC Camp Unconference in San Jose, Calif. on January 25, 2014

On January 25, 2014, there's an unconference coming up in San Jose, California called TC Camp. Here's the description: TC Camp is an Unconference focused on Technical Communications issues, skills, challenges, and the various applications used by technical communicators. The purpose of TC Camp is to provide a local bay area conference for technical communicators that is driven by the members of that community–writers, editors, designers,...

Making website banner ads more visible

For several years I've shown ads in my sidebar using the WP125 ad plugin. But I think readers tend to become blind to website ads like this, so I decided to switch things up a bit. If you look in my Sponsors section, you'll see snippets of text beside each graphic. Sponsors also have control to update the text and images themselves. I patterned this model after a section I saw on Techwr-l called “Sponsored Posts.” I found myself drawn to ...

Is Atlassian Marginalizing Confluence Power Users? Guest Post by Steve Goldberg

The following is a guest post by Steve Goldberg. Steve is a technical writer and Confluence administrator working for a software company in London, UK. You can follow him on Twitter at @bergeroflondon. This post is written in a personal capacity of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of his employers. Atlassian's 2013 Summit saw the company announce a swathe of new features and updates for their products, namely Questio...

A bucket list for a career in tech comm?

I was talking with a friend the other day when he mentioned that over the weekend he had crossed off a few items from his "bucket list." For this friend, those bucket items involved skydiving over the Pacific ocean and sleeping on the beach. (Well, those last two items are fictional, because I can't really write what the items were). But it got me thinking, what are the items on my bucket list? First, a bucket list is a list of achievemen...

Questions from readers: How to organize reviews, and whether a dedicated editor is worthwhile

How to organize reviews A reader asks the following: Do you have any advice on how a rapidly-growing documentation team--i.e., a team that's growing roughly in proportion to our company's burgeoning number of engineers and enterprise software products--should go about managing peer reviews of each other's work? I'm specifically interested in best practices on how to give, track, and manage peer review assignments. For example, is it best ...

A few things tech writers frequently say: Videos tedious, topics best when short, people just use Google, and more

I gave a presentation at the STC Berkeley chapter last week. It was a lively group, and people had a lot of insightful things to say. Here are a few comments various participants made. I want to highlight these assertions because I hear them so frequently. Videos are too tedious to watch -- I'd rather have the text that I can go right to. Users only go to help to search for a specific answer, so they want a short topic rather than having...

The Bug Badge

One of the Girl Scout badges we recently worked on was the Bug badge. This was one of the most fun badges because it involved trapping and observing all kinds of insects. We visited Rancho San Antonio park to make our bug exploration. Here are a few pictures. The kids are running like they're avoiding a mudslide or something, but really kids just like to be active outdoors. A great place to look for bugs is a dry riverbed, under the rocks. I...

Balancing new and familiar: Avoiding the Groundhog day syndrome

Do you ever feel like your life is just like the movie Groundhog Day? In Groundhog Day, Bill Murray has the same experiences over and over again each day. No matter what he does, he wakes up and experiences the exact same people, places, and other events on a repeating day. He interacts differently at times, which creates different (and comical) results, but when he goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning, the same day repeats. I...