The Value of Content

For the past few weeks, I've been obsessed about building a technology blog for my organization. But this past week I had a sobering wake-up call that has made me rethink what types of content readers find valuable. It turns out, if you look at the metrics for the site, that the blog isn't hardly read at all. Instead, many people read the forums and help content. Really? Yes, I think in comparing content value, an informative set of help ...

On Prayer

In reading the Book of Mormon (children's edition) to Callie and Lucy, I noticed that both Lehi and Nephi prayed to received their revelations. I don't pray nearly enough. I usually wait until I'm tired and then say a 15 second prayer. I used to be much better at praying. On my mission I discovered that if I sang and prayed, sang another hymn and prayed, sang another hymn and prayed, until about 10 minutes, I could invoke the warmth of the spi...

Why Is Corporate Blogging So Hard?

I'm not sure entirely why, but corporate blogging can be quite difficult. On my professional blog, I can post several times a week in the spare moments of my days, sitting down for 30 minutes here or an hour there and have some substantial content to show for it. But at work, I can spin my wheels on full throttle for hours and only have 1 or 2 posts all week -- not really interesting ones -- to show for it. Why is that? One difference is ...

On telling real stories

All my children are enamored with stories. If you're telling a good story, they will sit patiently for anything. I believe I could brush their teeth for a half hour as long as they were gripped by the story I was telling them. Tonight I told Callie stories about everything -- how I started the lawnmower, how I got my job in Egypt, how we decided to move to Utah. I told her how Avery was a baby when 9/11 happened, and what 9/11 was all about. I...

Presentations Versus Conversations

Recently I listened to Moira Gunn interview Steve Rosenbaum about content curation in her podcast, Tech Nation. I heard Steve present on a similar topic at Confab. Interestingly, I found the podcast, which was a conversation between Moira and Steve, more interesting, fluid, and natural than Steve's Confab presentation. Steve's presentation at Confab was great. But all presentations, by nature, have a different rhythm and organization than...

Technical Writing in China

Ivan Walsh The following is a guest post by Ivan Walsh. I didn't get on a plane until I was 21. I'd grown up in a small town in the west of Ireland with the unfortunate moniker ‘Slash City'. Not the most exotic place in the world. So, when I did start to travel, I moved a lot. The reason I could do this was mostly due to the mobile nature of technical writing and the opportunities gave me to travel. For most of my twenties I went from o...

MindTouch Webinar — Organizing Help Content: The Problem of Findability

I gave a MindTouch webinar on Friday, June 10, called Organizing Help Content: The Problem of Findability. The webinar was a joint-discussion with Scott Abel, the Content Wrangler.  Here's the webinar description: Help systems often have hundreds of topics. Arranging this information into a logical order so that users can find the exact topic they're looking for poses major challenges for technical writers. We often default to the print...

Diverging Directions for Tech Comm: Social Media or Structured Authoring

Two powerful trends in tech comm seem to be moving in different directions: social media and structured authoring. I have used a wiki as my primary format for documentation for the past year and a half. I tried to corral a group of volunteer technical writers to edit and update the wiki, because I embraced the idea that collective intelligence beats the individual thinker in the long run. But even the most advanced wikis don't have a stru...

Does Translation Mean You Should Omit Illustrations?

One can hardly dismiss the power of visuals. One of the oldest truisms in communication is that a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Instead of lengthy text, we praise infographics, diagrams, workflows, and other visual illustrations that communicate ideas. (See this collection of New York Times infographics.) In Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century, Robert Horn's main premise is that the combination of text with visual...

Message from Sponsors -- June 3, 2011

Each month I allow my blog's sponsors to include a brief message. This month I asked them to write about the biggest problem their company's product solves. Scriptorium Publishing We help companies with large amounts of technical content streamline their publishing processes, which results in cost reduction and quality improvements. If you are responsible for technical content, you face a bewildering array of possibilities—XML-based autho...

Join the LDSTech Blog Project and Write Articles for Your Portfolio

If you're looking for an opportunity to get some writing experience, consider joining the LDSTech Blog project. LDSTech is a site focusing on IT projects from the LDS Church for volunteer community members. For example, some projects have the goal of building an iPhone app, or making sites more accessible, or coming up with infographics. I'm heading up a project within this community called LDSTech Blog. On this project, volunteer members...

Making Up Stories

Callie and Lucy love it when I tell them stories, both stories I'm reading and stories I make up. I have more fun making them up. I look at things around me and can usually just see a story in what's lying around. Sometimes these stories work well and other times they're just corny and dumb. Anyway, I wouldn't keep telling them if it weren't for Callie and Lucy's interest. Here are two that I made up tonight. I thought maybe I'll start writing...

The Moment

I gathered the family for scripture study and tried to relate some of what Paul talks about in Hebrews -- how Christ brings about a new covenant, and fulfills the Law of Moses. Callie and Lucy were totally uninterested, and as much as I tried to explain it, no one was interested. I was getting upset but realized that my teaching method didn't work for children. Frustrated, I ditched my lesson and picked up a kids version of the Book of Mormon ...

Where Topic-Based Authoring Fails: End-to-End Scenarios

After my Summit presentation about breaking out of topic-based hierarchies, a lady named Ursula came up to me and said she was tired of topic-based authoring. I asked her what the alternative was. She said she's often more interested in seeing an end-to-end process rather than a specific task. This reminded me of a tutorial on in which Deke McClelland, the trainer, showed how to make a black cat, with the eyes, curly whiskers, g...

What Does It Mean to Be Innovative?

Last week while attending the STC Summit, I learned that MindTouch named my blog, I'd Rather Be Writing, the most innovative blog in technical communication. In their post, 2011 Technical Communication Innovation Award Winners, they write, This honor is bestowed upon long-time technical documentation professional Tom Johnson for creating some of the best — and most innovative — original content about the field of technical communication (a...