I need your responses to my API Documentation Survey
Series: API documentation survey
by Tom Johnson on Dec 12, 2014
- 1.0 → I need your responses to my API Documentation Survey
- 1.1 API doc survey: The most popular type of APIs that technical writers document
- 1.2 API doc survey: The most common programming languages tech writers know
- 1.3 API doc survey: Authoring tools preferred by API documentation writers
- 1.4 API doc survey: Do you create API doc by looking at source code?
- 1.5 API doc survey: Do you test out the API calls used in your doc yourself?
- 1.6 API doc survey: What IDE do you use?
- 1.7 API doc survey result: Automating REST API documentation
- 1.8 API doc survey result: How do you get the source files that contain code comments?
- 1.85 API doc survey result: How to learn what you need to know?
- 1.9 API doc survey: Most challenging aspect of API documentation
- 2.0 API doc survey: Do engineers write API doc in the source code?
- 2.1 API doc survey: How much of your doc process is automated?
- 2.2 Most important factor in APIs is complete and accurate documentation