Recently I volunteered to have my multimodal commute spotlighted as part of a Commute Seattle campaign. Here's the video.
Peter Norton's Autonorama: The Illusion of High-Tech Driving is a must-read for anyone pursuing autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a solution to the problems of transportation mobility. Norton's main argument is that AVs will worsen rather than help transportation issues.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on Docs as Code.
I updated my advertising options a bit and am now offering inline ads.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post contains a keynote presentation I gave to STC India on March 26, 2022.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on remote work.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on Git and GitHub.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on API documentation.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on "every page is page one."
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on techcomm and marcom.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on Scrum.
There's a new podcast called Let's Talk Docs, hosted by Portia Burton and Eric Holscher (co-founder of Write the Docs). They recently interviewed me for episode 2.
The Content Components podcast, led by Patrick Bosek of Heretto (formerly easyDITA), has a two-part interview with Sarah O'Keefe worth listening to.
If you're preparing for a technical writing interview, or looking to get experience to better qualify yourself for the tech comm job market, check out this helpful advice from my former colleague, Aaron Redshaw.
This post is part of a series that explores tech comm trends that I've either followed or forgotten, and why. The overall goal is to better understand the reasons that drive trend adoption or abandonment in my personal career. This post focuses on content strategy.