Technical Communication Suite from Adobe -- Interview with RJ Jacquez

Listen here: RJ Jacquez, senior product evangelist at, talks about the new Technical Communication Suite from Adobe, which includes RoboHelp 7, Captivate 3, Acrobat 3D version 8, and Framemaker 8. Topics we discuss include the following: What the Technical Communication Suite includes and how each product interacts Integration of Captivate with RoboHelp Integration of Framemaker with RoboHelp Support for 35...

Adding a Send Feedback link to Your Online Help / RoboHelp Project

I was reading an article in a previous STC Intercom magazine about how to add a Send Feedback link to your online help project, but the javascript didn't work. Here's an alternative method that does work.  This Send Feedback link grabs the page title and URL and includes it in the e-mail that the user sends. The method below describes the integration using RoboHelp, but the principles apply to almost any online help editor. To add a Send ...

99% of people who buy iPods don't realize several simple things ...

99% of people who buy iPods don't realize several simple things ... iPod doesn't mean MP3 player. Even though most people use the term iPod interchangeably to mean MP3 player, iPods are only a brand of MP3 players. Unfortunately, iPod is now a term like Band-Aid or Kleenex. (My wife is often asking me where my iPod is, even though I have an iRiver.) You can't get music anywhere with your iPod. With an iPod, you have to use iTunes for you...

Show Me Demos and Captivate -- Interview with Kevin Siegel

Listen here: Kevin Siegel, president of IconLogic, talks about show-me demos and Captivate. In this audio-visual age, technical writers need an easy way to deliver Flash-based, dynamic screen demos for their help content. Topics Kevin and I discuss in the podcast include: The effects of video games on learning styles The power of audio in show me demos The role of show me demos alongside written documentation New fea...

Sample Integration of Captivate Screen Demos in RoboHelp Hotspots

I made a help file showing a sample integration of Captivate with Robohelp, specifically showing screen demos inside hotspots. I like that the screen demos hide so nicely. (The content of the demos is not what I'm showing here, but if you're totally new to Audacity, you might find them helpful as a basic intro.) Let me know if you have any feedback.

Free Copies of SnagIt 7 and Camtasia 3

TechSmith is providing free downloads and licenses for copies of SnagIt 7.2 and Camtasia 3.1. The current version of SnagIt is 8.2 and Camtasia is 5. Still, for totally free software, you can't beat this. Thanks for the tip from Jeff and Digital Inspiration: How to you get them? SnagIt Step One: Download it here. Step Two: Visit the TechSmith website here and request a registration key. Camtasia Studio Step One: Download it here Step T...

Musicophillia -- The Brain's Unexplainable Affinity for Music

I listened to a podcast nearly two weeks ago that I'm still thinking about it. Oliver Sacks, a popular neurologist storyteller, just published a book called Musicophilia that explores the brain's love/obsession/affinity with music. In this Science Friday podcast, he shares extensive details about the book. Sacks explains that unlike other areas of the brain that are localized in specific regions -- for example, memory is in one area, spee...

Thoughts on Adobe's New Technical Communication Suite

I'm excited to welcome Adobe as a new sponsor for Tech Writer Voices. This past week, I've been playing around with their new Technical Communications Suite. This Suite includes Framemaker, RoboHelp, Acrobat 3D, and Captivate. I've especially been playing with the Captivate-RoboHelp integration. So far I think it's pretty amazing. You can embed Captivate movies directly in your online help, even in drop-down hotspots. For example, you can...

Embracing the New Vernacular Instead of Pursuing the Holy Grail of Single Sourcing

For a long time, I looked at help authoring tools in terms of their single sourcing ability -- creating the source material in the tool, and then outputting to online help, print, and other targets. However, I've given up on the ideal, at least for now. I'm convinced that the new vernacular, as a SXSW podcast called it, is audio and video. If faced with a decision between learning via written instructions or audiovisual screen demos, whic...

Special DMN Communications Podcast with Tech Writer Voices (me): Are you Hurting Your Career By Not Blogging or Podcasting?

Listen here: Last week I had a good conversation with Scott and Aaron from DMN Communications about the value of blogging and podcasting. Although this is a DMN Communications podcast, they allowed me to post the audio on Tech Writer Voices as well. (If you are not already subscribed to DMN Communication feed, see their site here.) During this 45 minute podcast, we talk about myths, rewards, trends, tips, and issues s...

Top 10 Worst Things SMEs Say or Do -- Interview with Brenda Huettner

Listen here: In this podcast, I interview Brenda Huettner about strategies for overcoming the top 10 Worst Things SMEs Say or Do. The top 10 list includes the following: The user will know how to do this. Do not worry about it. I just do not have time to review all of this. Oh, I will just write it myself (and then it is awful/useless, and they get insulted if you try to correct or fix it) Documentation is not necess...

IT Author Podcast -- Two Podcasts on Flare, One on the Making of a Technical Writer, and a Dogcast on User Psychology

I listened to Alistair Christie's IT Author podcast the other day online and then later driving home from work. Alistair is based in Scotland and has one of the most enjoyable podcasts on technical communication around. If you listen to podcasts, add his podcast to your feed.  His latest episodes are as follows: In Flare: the good stuff, he explains the features of Flare that he really enjoys, such as being able to integrate his own java...

Online Anonymous Rating Sites: Empowering Individual Voices

In looking for an apartment, I found tremendously helpful. This site allows residents to anonymously rate and comment about their apartment complex. After reading the comments residents wrote about Hunter's Woods apartments in Murray, I decided that, although the square footage was about 300 more sq. ft than any surrounding apartment, the area's crime (namely drug dealing) and the poor maintenance responses by the sta...

Building Online Communities: Interview with Svi Ben-Elya about

Listen here: In this podcast, I talk with Svi Ben-Elya about Elephant is an online community he and others created to empower technical communicators in Israel (originally in the city of Yokneam) with relevant salary information to make them more market savvy when they negotiate jobs. About Tech Writer Voices Tech Writer Voices features podcasts related to the field of technical communication. You can ...

Is Podcasting Dead? Jason Van Orden Versus Read/Write Web

I listened to an interesting podcast this morning. Jason Van Orden argues against a post on the Read/Write blog about podcasting being dead. Jason listed several reasons why people claim podcasting is dead: Yahoo pulled their podcasting directory. Google Trends shows fewer searches with podcasting as the keyword. No one is making millions in the podcasting medium. Podcasts don't offer rich keywords for search engines to find. Podcasts ar...