Intermountain STC Chapter Meeting This Wednesday at 7 pm

This Wednesday, Jan 20, there's an Intermountain STC Chapter meeting at 7 pm. in the Sandy library. Lyn Worthen will be speaking on running your own technical communications consulting business. Here's an excerpt from her description: Unlike the consistent schedule, workload, and wages of a 9-5 technical writing job, going it on your own as a consultant or contractor is a lot like riding the tide. Sometimes the tide is “in” and you have p...

The Turnaround Screencast

In Screencasts: So what?, Kristi Leach tells an engaging story about a turnaround screencast. She explains how one good screencast can change users' attitudes about software. Here's an excerpt: I rarely watch video online. Unless it's a funny meme I have deliberately searched for, or a show that I missed, or Netflix, I won't press play. If a blog post is all video, I skip it. I rarely appreciate video instructions, either–they take too lo...

DITA Features in Madcap Flare Webcast Tuesday at 11 a.m. EST from Scriptorium

Scriptorium is presenting a free webinar on the DITA features in Madcap Flare this Tuesday at 11 a.m. EST. Here are the details: Presented by Sarah O'Keefe, this webcast demonstrates using MadCap Flare to create WebHelp from DITA-based content. Topics covered include: Importing DITA content into Flare Map file handling Cross-references and links Relationship tables Conrefs Conditional processing By the way, you can keep up with o...

How to Embed Video on a Web Page

To embed video on a web page, you don't need to upload your video to youtube, vimeo, or some other video sharing service. A lot of times in a corporate setting, uploading your videos to a third-party site isn't appropriate or allowed. Does this mean you have to resign yourself to a basic WMV output that opens up in the Windows Media Player? No. You can grab the embed code from Camtasia Studio's html output and copy it to a custom page to ...

Trying to Find a Theater Stage/Voice for an Impossible Situation

In a recent design review meeting, I showed some of my screencasts to our team for feedback. We also reviewed some screencasts created by voiceover talents in our audiovisual department and screencasts created by trainers. In listening to my voice in the screencasts, it's clear that I still have a lot to learn. I'm not even close to the personal, conversational-sounding audio voice that I want to achieve. It sounds like I'm reading a scri...

Notes on My Latest Screencasts

A couple of months ago I created some documentation on Joomla for some web admins using Joomla to build country sites. After delivering the documentation, the users needed something more visual, so I set about creating screencasts. I created 30 screencasts to match the tasks in the documentation (which I transferred from InDesign to Mediawiki). I then integrated the screencasts with the various pages of the wiki. You can see a list of the...

Implementing Google Custom Search on WordPress

Google Custom Search can dramatically improve the search results for your WordPress blog or any other site. WordPress is a great blogging platform, no doubt about it. But the built-in search feature is terrible. As I've searched for keywords from past posts to respond to reader questions, I would continually come up empty-handed. As a solution, I incorporated Google Custom Search, which is a free service that allows you to embed a Google ...

The Case of the Stolen Documentation

Some months ago I created a half a dozen quick reference guides for an application that would have a potential audience of thousands of users (after it cleared the beta phase). The size of the audience gave me hope that I would actually create documentation to be used by more than a handful of people outside the internal workings of my organization. I created the guides in Adobe InDesign because it seemed to make sense for the situation -...

Directions I'm Going in 2010

Given that it's a new year, a lot of people are writing about trends and predictions in technical communication. Ellis Pratt at Cherryleaf has an interesting post on the Top 10 Trends in Technical Communication for 2010. Larry Kunz has a post on Technical Communication Trends in 2010. Sarah O'Keefe chimed in with 2010 Predictions for Technical Communication. And Ben Minson has Ten New Year's Resolutions. Rather than predict or comment on ...

Aligning Yourself with a Cause

At a department Christmas social the other week, we had a special meeting following lunch. During the meeting, people spontaneously shared their feelings about working for the Church or other thoughts they had. More than a dozen people stood up. Although it wasn't called such, the meeting was similar to a "testimony meeting," which is something that Mormons do once a month for their church meetings. During these meetings, rather than list...

A Creative Way to Become a Technical Writer

One of the tough paradoxes of the technical writing field is that you can't get a job without experience, but you can't get experience without a job. Or so it seems. A reader recently wrote to me explaining how she decided to write manuals for her existing job as an account maintenance clerk, even though the task of writing documentation wasn't in her list of required duties. Doing so transformed her role. After learning more about her ex...

If No One Reads the Manual, That's Okay

Most people take time off during the holidays, so if you don't, you end up mostly sitting alone at work, wondering why you're not taking time off too. I wanted to follow Penelope Trunk's advice about pursuing your pet projects while working during the holidays, but instead I was trying to finish a project with an end-of-year deadline. The project I'm working on is critical, but it has only about 3 to 4 users, most of whom are already fami...

Podcast on getting a job in technical writing (TW Job)

How to get a job in technical writing 1.0 Introduction to getting a job in technical writing (TW Job) 1.1 Learn the basics of technical writing (TW Job) 1.2 Get real experience doing technical writing (TW Job) 1.3 ...

Volunteer for a position in the STC or other organization (TW Job)

How to get a job in technical writing 1.0 Introduction to getting a job in technical writing (TW Job) 1.1 Learn the basics of technical writing (TW Job) 1.2 Get real experience doing technical writing (TW Job) 1.3 ...

Move to a tech hub city to find a job in technical writing (TW Job)

How to get a job in technical writing 1.0 Introduction to getting a job in technical writing (TW Job) 1.1 Learn the basics of technical writing (TW Job) 1.2 Get real experience doing technical writing (TW Job) 1.3 ...