Video on SharePoint 2007 Wiki, Blog, and RSS Functionality from Microsoft's Channel 9

If you're interested in learning more about the wiki, blog, and RSS functionality of SharePoint 2007, watch this movie from Microsoft's Channel 9. To create a new page on the microsoft wiki, you just surround a name in double brackets, like this [[Getting Started]]. When you surround a word in double brackets, it becomes blue and underlined (i.e., a link). When you click the link, a new page is created. When the new page is created, the u...

Getting Started with WordPress — Video Tutorial on Installation

I re-recorded the initial WordPress installation demo video tutorial I did the other day. This one is about three times as long and has a lot more more information. I started out thinking it would be 10 minutes, but it ended up being 30 minutes. If you're looking to get started with WordPress, this Getting Started / installation demo will (sort of) show you how to do it. I'm still experimenting with screencasting and Blueberry's Flashbac...

RoboHelp to Wiki Conversion Tool

A RoboHelp to Wiki conversion tool has been announced. This tool will convert your RoboHelp project over to Mediawiki (Mediawiki is the same tool used to create Wikipedia). Other tools already exist that convert HTML pages to Mediawiki pages, but this RoboHelp2Wiki extension apparently allows you to convert batch files all at once. Here's an exerpt from the developer's blog: When we create Product Design documents we include descriptions,...

Installing WordPress -- a Quick Video Tutorial

I created a quick little tutorial on how to install WordPress using Fantastico from your web host's cpanel. Installing WordPress You might want to maximize your screen -- and of course put on some headphones or turn up your speakers.

Discussion about RoboHelp 6 — Interview with Rick Stone

Listen here: When Adobe released RoboHelp 6, they touched off a hot debate among technical communicators. Rick Stone is one of the most ardent supporters of RoboHelp, and is the one behind the infamous Skinny on Skins file that shows you about a hundred ways to tweak your RoboHelp skin. In this podcast on RoboHelp 6, the following topics are covered: New features in RoboHelp 6 Rick's background with RoboHelp Robohelp's ...

Using Wikis as Project Documentation Tools

I was talking to Charles Arnold after the last STC-Suncoast chapter meeting about using wikis as project documentation tools. Neil Perlin just presented on Web 2.0, and referenced James Surowiecki's The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. Surowiecki's main idea is that collective wisdom almost always outstrips individual wisdom. I was thinking...

Recommended Podcast: 43 Folders on Kung Fu, Meditation, and Sex

With a title like this, the 43 folders podcast is bound to attract listeners. But more than a gimmick, this podcast from 43 folders is actually pretty interesting. Basically, with kung fu, meditation, and sex, you can study and think and learn about these topics all day, but until you actually go out and do them, you'll never get anywhere. The 43 folders guy explained how some people can become obsessed with studying methods for productiv...

Blogs that Lose Direction and Go from Blog to Blah?

Neil Perlin delivered a cool presentation to our chapter tonight on Web 2.0. After the meeting, we all (that is, Mark Hanigan, Karen Bachman, Clyde Parson, Charles Arnold, Lisa Carpenter, Michael Pleasant, Neil Perlin, and I) went out to eat at Bahama Breeze. In his presentation, Neil mentioned that he was going to start learning about WordPress. This of course caught my attention. It turns out Neil is going to start not only a blog, but ...

Survey Gizmo: The best tool/thing I have used/done

I have been using SurveyGizmo to issue some short surveys to our chapter and found that the tool is not only the best survey tool I've used, but issuing short surveys is also the best thing I have done. The type of feedback that comes back is amazing, particularly when you leave a free answer essay in there. People usually have feedback, and this gives them an opportunity to provide it. Here are a few tips for surveys. Keep them short. A...

Are We Moving Toward GooOS, the Google Operating System?

Joining the other online tools is Cellsea, an online photo editor. Now if you use Cellsea with Google Docs you can use an online word processor, a online excel spreadsheet, and an online photo editor (replacing your Snagit or Photoshop). Your WordPress blog is online, your banking is online, your news is online, your gmail is online, your photos are online with Flickr, your videos are online with Youtube. Now even your movies will be onli...

User Paradox with Not Reading User Manuals

37 Signals quotes research by IBM describing the "paradox of the active user": Users never read manuals but start using the software immediately. They are motivated to get started and to get their immediate task done: they don't care about the system as such and don't want to spend time up front on getting established, set up, or going through learning packages. The “paradox of the active user” is a paradox because users would save time i...

Using Ajax Shelf to Help Users Find Pages on Suncoast Site

I've been experimenting with an "Ajax shelf" to help users find pages better on the Suncoast chapter site. The Ajax shelf is like a web component that slides up and down when you click a button. I think it's pretty cool. Here's an example: Shelf is hidden: When the user clicks the View Pages link, the shelf expands: When the shelf expands, it has the effect of sliding down. When you click the View Pages link again, the shelf slides back...

10 pet peeves of technical writing

Holly Harkness's recent post on 10 rules of technical writing got me thinking about the 10 pet peeves in technical writing that drive me crazy. Here they are: Pet Peeve #1. Instructions that aren't modular. I wish I had a better adjective for this, but do you ever find that instructions you are trying to follow require some unmentioned starting point that you can't get to because the instructions assume you were following along chronolo...

Tips from the Frederator: Pursue Life's Passion Online, and Blog Often, Short, and with Pics

I heard an interesting podcast on the way to work this morning: Jason Van Orden's notes from the Frederator. Jason said Fred Siebert recommends that you find what you're passionate about, and then pursue it online via blogging or other social media. You'll be amazed by the number of people you meet and network with. These people will help take you beyond where you could go yourself. They will help you overcome your weaknesses and broaden...

Adobe Enters Blogosphere

Sarah O'Keefe just told me the news: Adobe has joined the blogosphere. More importantly, the RoboHelp development team just started a blog: This is one of the best moves Adobe has made. I guess I was too impatient with my comments on their inaccessibility in my last post. It will be interesting to see how many people use their blog as an access point to provide feedback, recommendations, and comments. Wit...