2018 archives

  1. Is Premium Grammarly worth it for identifying style and grammar issues in tech docs?

  2. Obituary for my dad - David Tait Johnson, 1935 - 2018

  3. Research on code documentation -- when not to comment on code

  4. Top 10 holiday gifts for technical writers

  5. My podcast about writing with Ellis Pratt on Cherryleaf

  6. Recording for Menlo Park API documentation workshop now available -- and some thoughts on using cardioid versus omnidirectional microphones for recording

  7. New post in Simplifying Complexity series -- Principle 11: Be both a generalist and specialist at the same time

  8. My upcoming presentation and workshop at the 2019 STC Summit in Denver

  9. Write the Docs Podcast episode 18: Recap and thoughts on the WTD Australia 2018 conference

  10. Bibliography of API documentation articles

  11. How to avoid being a secretary for engineers

  12. I'd Rather Be Writing is now an Alexa Flash Briefing skill

  13. Upcoming full-day API documentation workshop in Menlo Park

  14. The Tell-Tale Project — Guest Post by Edgar Allan Poe, Technical Writer

  15. Preferring technical acuity over specialized knowledge

  16. Write the Docs Podcast Episode 17: Structured Writing -- reasons and approaches, with Mark Baker

  17. Brainstorming by transposing patterns from one category to another

  18. The ideal number of slides for an hour-long presentation, and other thoughts on preparing slides

  19. Tech comm podcasts roundup and survey

  20. Pages at a glance -- the importance of the first two sentences of any topic

  21. Write the Docs Podcast episode 16: An open-source Grammarly for tech docs?

  22. How I handled data for about 10 device specifications on the same page -- the advantages of a flexible, customizable web-based framework like Jekyll

  23. New article in Simplifying Complexity series -- Iterate and increment on content following an agile approach

  24. Getting a job in API documentation -- new topics and expansions in my API doc course

  25. Strategies for learning technology -- podcast recommendation and a poll

  26. If writing is no longer a marketable skill, what is?

  27. My conflicted thoughts about the decentralized web (while taking the Census of Technical Communicators survey)

  28. The right story for tech writers to tell in a corporate blog post

  29. Articulating stories that influence product adoption (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

  30. Reciprocal knowledge networks and the iFixit Technical Writing Project -- Conversation with Guiseppe Getto

  31. Looking at the theoretical foundations for tech comm -- Conversation with Lisa Melonçon

  32. Adventures of a Techie Academic with Lightweight DITA (LwDITA): Conversation with Carlos Evia

  33. Write the Docs Podcast episode 15: User research, tech writer stereotypes, and conversations

  34. Teaching Technological Adaptability to Bridge the Gap (Guest post by Melonie McMichael)

  35. Combatting the "Make-It-Pretty" Philosophy: Technical Writers Fight Back (Guest post by Emily January Petersen)

  36. Results from my Academic/Practitioner Attitudes surveys now available

  37. The relationship between academics and practitioners -- Podcast with Kirk St. Amant

  38. Reducing the complexity of technical language (new article in Simplifying Complexity series)

  39. Random reflections on the throwaway mentality in our culture

  40. Thoughts on docs-as-code after 3 years -- it works!

  41. A short survey to measure academic/practitioner attitudes

  42. 10 ways technical writing is just like the World Cup

  43. MadCap Flare 2018 and MadCap Central Review for the May 2018 Release -- Guest post

  44. Evaluating the user experience of documentation -- Podcast with Bob Watson

  45. Non-Reference Content section updated in API course

  46. Hiding Complexity -- A new Simplifying Complexity article

  47. New article in Simplifying Complexity: Reconstructing the absent user

  48. The reason I always find time to write on this blog

  49. Stoplight -- creating a single source of truth to drive the API lifecycle

  50. My site now has Algolia search integrated

  51. Replaced the previous weather API example in my API course to now use OpenWeatherAPI

  52. Do you have to relocate to an urban tech hub to find a technical writing job?

  53. Strategies from pickup basketball -- Why you shouldn't guard the worst player or focus too much on the documentation no one reads

  54. New Simplifying Complexity article on shaping information into familiar schemas, especially story

  55. A Review of the MadWorld Conference -- guest post by Jayna Locke

  56. New article on Simplifying Complexity: Reduction, layering, and distillation as a strategy for simplicity

  57. The math game my daughter and her friend created with Codesters

  58. What can we learn from the homogenous profiles in the Stack Overflow 2018 survey?

  59. Write the Docs Podcast episode 14: Humanizing your documentation

  60. Recording of API documentation workshop in Denver

  61. Guest post: The story behind DocToolHub, a site for finding tech comm tools

  62. Recording of Docs-as-code tools and workflows presentation

  63. Recording of STC San Francisco presentation: Beyond mere endpoint reference — the overlooked content in API documentation

  64. New article in Simplifying Complexity -- Ensuring information harmony in the larger documentation landscape

  65. Perspectives on tech comm from the VP Candidates — Q&A with Pam Brewer

  66. Perspectives on tech comm from the VP Candidates — Q&A with Ben Woelk

  67. Recording of OpenAPI and Swagger presentation (for STC and WTD San Diego)

  68. Two open-ended surveys to gauge practitioner/academic attitudes

  69. New Simplifying complexity tutorial: Discoverability through metadata

  70. New section on my site: Simplifying complexity

  71. Write the Docs Podcast episode 13: Postman for API development and docs — Interview with Postman Founder

  72. Recording of WTD South Bay presentation: Publishing tools for API documentation

  73. Unexpected realizations after a comprehensive review of my 2017 site metrics

  74. New STC Intercom article: How to Research What You Need to Learn to Be Successful as a Technical Writer

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.