2020 archives

  1. Cherryleaf collects tech writer goals for 2021

  2. Moving to Seattle and making housing decisions using virtual tools

  3. Job transition: from Amazon to Google

  4. Content Strategy Insights podcast with Larry Swanson about API documentation

  5. The most perfect 17-mile biking loop in Santa Clara

  6. Finished up the section on documentation processes (for now)

  7. New API course article: Processes for changing internal doc culture

  8. New API course article: Processes for external contributors

  9. Documentation templates and The Good Docs Project -- guest post by Ankita Tripathi

  10. The story behind Document360 -- podcast with founder Saravana Kumar

  11. Process for collecting feedback post-release (new article in API doc course)

  12. How does Document360 handle challenges with API documentation?

  13. Write the Docs Podcast episode 32: Self-publishing and AsciiDoc, with Mehmed Pasic

  14. Processes for maintaining existing documentation (new article in API doc course)

  15. Developer experience (DevX) usability (new article in API doc course)

  16. Does working outside with the world as your office actually work?

  17. Coffee and Content webinar recording: Treat Code Like Code; Treat Prose Like Prose

  18. New article in API course: Processes for reviewing documentation

  19. On cultivating a garden while the world is crumbling around you

  20. SmartBear's 2020 API report finds 'Accurate and detailed documentation' to be second-most important characteristic of APIs

  21. Write the Docs Podcast episode 31: Site search, with Peter Levan

  22. Redocly tutorial added to API course

  23. New article in API course -- Questions to ask during a documentation kickoff and demo

  24. Inexpensive media hosting and CLI uploading with Wasabi?

  25. ISTC article on developer documentation trends

  26. Playing a product design role as a content designer -- podcast with Jonathon Colman

  27. When 10X translates into -10X: debunking the myth of the 10X technical coder/writer

  28. SDK release process article added to API doc course

  29. DX content strategy article added to API doc course

  30. Processes for managing large documentation projects and small documentation requests

  31. Webinar -- Optimizing Content Development: Grow Your Content Faster Than You Grow Your Team

  32. Part VI: Results from the survey correlating org models and tech writer value

  33. A tip for doc reviews -- bring a list of questions

  34. Write the Docs Podcast episode 30: Documentation templates, with Juan Lara

  35. Writing productivity tip: Focus sessions

  36. Part VI: Conclusion, analysis, and feedback

  37. Part V: On being strategic, interpersonal, and sponsored

  38. Part IV: Engaging deep enough to blur the lines between content and product design

  39. Part III: Correlating organization models with low value estimations

  40. Part II: Personal layoff stories and reasons

  41. Part I: Introduction and background

  42. Developer portal strategies for complex landscapes -- conversation with Kristof van Tomme

  43. What makes a good covid sign?

  44. Treat code like code and prose like prose

  45. Diversity in tech comm -- Conversation with John Paz

  46. What's the point of site search?

  47. Making a comfortable office environment when working from home is harder than it seems

  48. WTD Australia event recording -- 'Remote discussion: Techcomm in the times of pandemic'

  49. Guest post: Why are technical writers often treated as such an unimportant part of a company?

  50. Results of Pandemic Impact on Tech Comm survey

  51. Podcast: Building Great Documentation -- WAPI FM radio hour

  52. Short survey about quarantine/pandemic impact on tech comm

  53. Connecting micro content with search analytics -- notes on the first MadCap Flare and MadCap Central 2020 Release

  54. A user manual for your death?

  55. API doc course update: Re-architecting the OpenAPI spec tutorials to start with visual modeling tools first, then code

  56. My Knowledgebase Ninjas podcast episode -- Metrics don't work

  57. API The Docs Virtual Series 2020 -- Upcoming presentations and thoughts on the virtual format

  58. Write the Docs Podcast episode 29: Salary Survey results and WFH tips, with Eric Holscher

  59. Are technical writers increasingly playing non-technical roles? Some thoughts on the evolution of technical writing roles

  60. Podcast: Users as producers of knowledge -- conversation with Nupoor Ranade about how tech writer roles are changing

  61. Staying updated about what developers are changing -- my techniques for information sleuthing

  62. Write the Docs Podcast episode 28: UX writing processes and considerations

  63. Tech comm podcasts are growing -- here's a list

  64. Life on reset -- new dynamics emerging

  65. Working from home — things I've bought

  66. How life has changed with the pandemic

  67. Introduction to API documentation - Recording from Los Angeles API documentation workshop

  68. Is there a place for exploratory writing in the workplace?

  69. Podcast: How Paligo is filling a niche in the CCMS market for complex documentation, with Anders Svensson

  70. The Manuscript Podcast, with Breno Barreto -- Episode 2, How technical should a tech writer be?

  71. Checklist of different types of API docs

  72. Podcast with Andrew Davis: Hiring API doc writers -- an inside look at fixing broken processes

  73. Write the Docs Podcast episode 27: Starting a doc group/process when you're the first

  74. New podcast: Unifying Technical Content Sets into a Broader Ecosystem, with Cruce Sanders at [A]

  75. Tools FAQ for API doc site

  76. Autonomous Agile Teams and Enterprise Content Strategy: An Impossible Combination?

  77. From API docs to developer portals

  78. Site update: Switched from Disqus to Commento

  79. What is a DITA Content Management System (CMS)? guest post by John Baker

  80. Learning about event planning -- life pro tips from Jack Molisani

  81. Updated Intro to API documentation topic

  82. Reflections on my 2019 site analytics

About Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson

I'm an API technical writer based in the Seattle area. On this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, AI, information architecture, content strategy, writing processes, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out my API documentation course if you're looking for more info about documenting APIs. Or see my posts on AI and AI course section for more on the latest in AI and tech comm.

If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the tech comm, be sure to subscribe to email updates below. You can also learn more about me or contact me. Finally, note that the opinions I express on my blog are my own points of view, not that of my employer.